Simple bead ornaments, beads and pins


Beauty lover rose 14 beads on each pin, and here's the result!

Similar decorations from beads and beads are sold online for considerable amounts, but make them so easy! Everything that will need - beads, beautiful beads, pins, fishing line, free evening and the desire to have a truly original supplement of the dress ... Looking like these ideas are captivated!

Decorations of beads on the neck

Simple decorations with your own hands

Decorations of beads and pins

  1. From ordinary small pins, you can make a wonderful ring. You just need to ride the beads on the pins, close them and combine the fishing line.

    Beaded Decoration Ring

    Decoration from Bead Ring Photo

  2. According to this principle, almost all decorations presented here are made. Very stylish, as for me.

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  3. Colored bracelet, extremely easy to do! The main thing is a successful combination of shades.

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  4. This is how the bead pendants are created. An ideal option for those who love creativity, but tolerate can not mess too long!

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

    This decoration can be done in one evening!

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  5. Very summer!

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  6. The abundance of a variety of beads and bead will make it possible to create exactly what your outfit will be perfect!

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  7. Such a bracelet is sold at about $ 20. Not bad idea for personal business ...

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  8. Suspension of small pins! Great idea.

    Bead decoration Pendant photo

  9. Decoration from studs painted and bent pliers. And looks so expensive!

    Bead decoration Pendant photo

  10. Charming bracelet!

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  11. Even the idea: to perform a clock strap in this technique!

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  12. It is not necessary to use only small beads, large beads also look very impressive!

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  13. I'll make such a fabulous thing!

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  14. This is how you can make a seductive outfit with ordinary white T-shirt. Just just pins! And it is possible to experiment with beads.

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

  15. Bracelets for every taste! Admit to honestly, did you like?

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

    Decoration from beads Bracelet photo

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