War down your home with simple girlfriend


Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

Warm house can be quickly and quite inexpensive! Hand made solar panel to heat the house directly. This type of heating is demi-season, it is very well suitable for spring and autumn pores, when heated the house is seriously early, but the street is already cool enough. The first step towards the homemade collector is to collect an impressive amount of aluminum cans from under beer. You need plywood, in order to make the body, glass, foam and paint.

1. At first prepare banks from under beer or any other drinks. Please note that banks must be aluminum. Check, aluminum bank or iron, can be using a magnet. Make a hole in the banks, as shown in the picture. From below, take two small holes with a nail or drill, top with the bank with scissors.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

2. Well-wished banks detergent for dishes. Seeing them outdoors.

3. Now a responsible moment - you need to glue banks. The top and bottom of the banks are created for each other, because it is completely simple. Silicone glue is thermal resistant, so that it can be used to make a manifold with a light heart.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

4. So that you have a smooth solar tunnel, make a pattern from a tree, in which it is more convenient to glue banks. For two boards with nails at right angles.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

5. So easier to dry banks. The capture is that the template is fixed until the banks are completely dried.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

6. Now you can be taken for the framework. The box needs to be made of wood and aluminum thickness of 1 mm. The circle with round holes for cans is easy to do with the help of a special nozzle on a drill.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

7. Remember that the glue dries not as fast as you think. Let the glued box dry for 24 hours.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

8. Inside the box it is necessary to apply insulation of fiberglass or foam. Holes for the input and outlet of the air should be surrounded by isolation especially carefully.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

9. Folding glued banks of black paint and placing in the locker. These black cans are the main detail, it is called a helicider. It is banks that will attract the sun's rays and warm. On top of the banks are closed with a cap from plexiglas.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

The only drawback of the design is not to accumulate heat that produces. Therefore, at night, the collector cover needs to be closed so that the house is not cooled.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

The last step is to install the thermostat with sensors. If you did everything right, your solar panel will produce 1-2 kW energy per day. It all depends on how sunny will happen.

This invention deserves close attention, it reminds us that the future has come. The rational use of natural energy is a wise and inevitable solution.

Woven your home with simple girlfriend!

Now you know how the solar collector is being done. It is very useful information for everyone who has a private house and who comes to its arrangement is reasonable. Perhaps this idea will make your home cozy, warmer and original.

Our person will give the will - he will meet from beer cans even collender.

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