How to check the operation of the refrigerator and freezer. Unmistakable method!


Even an absolutely new refrigerator with a freezer may be a scoundrel. Freezer is invaluable, without it it is impossible to present his kitchen, but at the same time the work of this device is not so easy to control and understand that there are failures!

If the freezer works incorrectly, the products in it can be deprived and freeze, and so in a circle, many times. Naturally, they lose their food qualities, and what is even worse - deteriorate and can cause food poisoning.

We will tell you how to check the work of the refrigerator and freezer. Unmistakable method!

Freezer photo camera

Operation of the freezer

How to check the operation of the freezer

  1. Water puff into a cup or glass and placing the container in the freezer.
  2. When the water freezes, put the coin on the ice and return the glass back to the cold.
  3. Boldly go on your affairs! Leave the coin in the freezer is needed overnight or on the entire working day: we need an accurate check.
  4. Remove a glass with a coin of freezer. If the coin is still on the surface of the ice crust, it means everything is in order! The freezer copes perfectly with its task.

    But if the coin was at the bottom of the glass, the freezer works in an early way: the water was thawed and frozen again, so the coin sank to the bottom of the dishes. It takes to get rid of the products that were in the freezer!

The operation of the freezer is what you should pay attention to! After all, a rare hostess is thinking about such a question if there are no obvious signs of a device malfunction.

Freezer Lifehaki

Finally, here's a little trick. To quickly freeze jelly, put it for 30 minutes in the freezer, then get it out and place on the top shelf in the refrigerator! Favorite dish will be at the best way lightning.

how to use freezer

Check how the fridge and freezer works, share the result with us!

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