5 tricky ways to make her husband do whatever you want


In the hearts of men we, women, are a kind of ahilles fifth. Especially when they love us. Many ladies ask a question: they say how to ask her husband about this or another overpower if he refuses or ignores? That's what I say to you: you ask for incorrectly. It's time to change tactics!

1. Give it heat

Smile to him, hurt your cilia. In the end, you know how to flirtat, and once this weapon struck your husband out. In a state, when you climb around him with a kitty, it will not be able to refuse you. In addition, every man wants to make his woman happy, and if the wife is happy and happy, happy and satisfied with the husband.

2. Be a girlfriend who needs help

He became your husband not only because he loves you, but also because he wants to divide your difficulties with you, help solve your problems. If you voicate the request to endure the garbage or sit with children not by the team tone of the class teacher, it automatically proves that he is a man, and you are under his protection woman. Let the covers open in your house the cans, and you thank it for it. It costs a lot!

3. Give a little, take a little

This method works great when you ask for something significant. And when you know that we ask for too much. First, emphasize the attention on what has already done, and then voice the request. By the way, children with this trick are perfectly owning: the phrase "Mom, I already did the lessons, can I walk with the guys?" - Classical wording. You can say something like this: "I prepared dinner and bought your favorite beer, can you put the wash and spend the silence, until I meet with girls?"

4. Massage

Technique getting all anything. Men adore massage. When they soften in the skillful female handles, they are ready to fulfill almost any desire.

5. Spell without words

Go to my spouse, hug him, slightly press up to his strong courageous figure and kiss - long and gently. Kiss as the last time. Let it disarm him and surprise. Kiss should be a surprise. And then a second, so after 2-3, after that, ask what you wanted. See, he will be happy to fulfill your desire.

The most important thing is not to be zealous. Do not move to manipulation. She kills any relationship. Just make these techniques part of the game that can ignite the fire and support your family bonfire.

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