Pensions teacher made an interior of his apartment in Gaudi style


Perhaps this is the most extraordinary municipal house in the UK: the pensioner decorated it from inside the stunning mosaic in Antonio Gaudi. A 65-year-old former teacher Jam Imanius was happy to spend 2 thousand pounds and about 11 years to turn his municipal apartment in the subject of art. Previously, he created a public garden in front of the house, but since the work was carried out without proper permit, the authorities were not appreciated and prescribed the garden to destroy.

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

The prescription torture the garden, which he planted on his own funds in the amount of £ 5,000 before the apartment building at the beginning of this year, did not stop the Rada from further miracles. He turned his apartment in a conventional municipal home to one of the most beautiful in the UK, decoring it with a mosaic in Antonio Gaudi style. A 65-year-old pension teacher issued the interior of his apartment on Harrington Street, in the center of Preston, colorfully and brightly, and did not forget to decorate even the seat for the toilet.

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

For the design of the dwelling in such an unusual style of Rada, two of his favorite artist were inspired: Gaudi and the Austrian architect Friedenshih Hundertwassser, with whom the pensioner even was lucky to meet during construction in Salzburg. Mr. Rad told: "I like how a Hundertwasser could use his Imagination and show it in reality. There are elements of the child's imagination that make it so innocent and clean that we have no choice but to love it. "

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

Mr. Glad spent about £ 2000 for a unique decor of his apartment. He spent 11 years on his interior decoration: "Creation of a good public garden and painting of the walls of the house in Preston is my way to thank the world for all the kindness and generosity that I received. I felt an aliens at first, but when people accepted my feelings. They divided and my love. "

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

"Partially my creativity was divided with the public, and the other part is" stored "in my house. Creativity is not something to take about granted, but for me it is a vital necessity."

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

Mr. Glad to once moved to Preston to study at the University of Central Lancashire. He said that he incredibly loved his new home and spent about £ 2,000 on his extravagant design.

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

"I fell in love with Preston. People can speak bad things about our city as much as you like. Some call it ugly, some call him poor, but I don't care about it, I love this place, and I feel like I was lucky to live here," he said.

Mr. Glad to face his bed in a decorated apartment in Preston - in the near future on the channel Channel 4 will be a documentary about him called "Best British Municipal House"

Mr. Glad will face on his bed in a decorated apartment in Preston - in the near future on the channel Channel 4 will be a documentary about him called

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

He generously decorated his apartment and the house itself, despite the fact that the authorities are not delighted with his feats. He ordered to stop gardening, after he created a small green oasis for all neighbors.

He paid a professional gardener with his "funeral" savings to decorate the kindergarten for the neighbors so that everyone could enjoy. But the Housing Association told him that he had no permission to mini-oasis.

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

Mr. Rad received permission to put only "several plants" outside the entrance door and admitted that he did much more than he was allowed. But he justifies his actions, saying that he did not create any problems, and everyone likes the kindergarten.

The teacher at a pension issued the interior of his apartment in the Gaudy style alteration of the house, decorated the house with his own hands

Despite this, a lawsuit against him, the COMMUNITY GATEWAY (CGA) association, who own the land, and he had to sign an order with the promise not to make any further changes to the court, which will be held next year. The Deputy District Judge Grant warned a pensioner that any violation of the agreement may entail fines, property arrest and imprisonment for disrespect for the court. The representative of the CGA was not available for comments.

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