French postman F. Cheval and his "Perfect Palace"


French postman F. Cheval and his

Today I want to tell you and show in this publication how to go to my goal, my dream, despite the opinions of people around you and obstacles. In the distant 1879, a simple postman from France carried out his greatest desire and began to build a whole palace complex, which is now called "Le Palais Idéal" in a different "perfect palace".

French postman F. Cheval and his

This masterpiece he built a long 33 year.

French postman F. Cheval and his

The masterpiece Ferdinand Sheval is located near Lyon, in the small town of Hauters in France.

Ferdinand Sheval was born April 18, 1836 in the town of Sharm-sur-Larbass. He did not like to learn the boy to learn and left his studies and settled to work as an assistant pecker. At 32, he, he taking his wife moved to the rural outback and began to work the postman. From day to day, he walked 30 km on foot, spreading correspondence. In these movements, he was surprised to look at postcards from different exotic countries that wore the addressees. He dreamed of seeing all these beauties.

French postman F. Cheval and his

On the age of April in the afternoon, he walked around and stumbled about a stone. He raised him and began to consider from all sides. He liked the drawing and the unusual of the stone. Then, at speed, he returned and began to look for pebbles around the district. For many years, he wore these stones in his pockets, then bought a car and began to collect stones in her. The many years he folded these stones in his own garden. In the evenings, he studied books on the architecture of different countries, hatching his dream to build the palace.

French postman F. Cheval and his

His future creation Ferdinand began to build, coming out for a well-deserved rest. From the moment he raised his first stone, passed long 20 years.

Using only simple tools, cement, iron fittings and lime, the postman built his building. He connected several cultures in his intent. Later, his architecture style was called "Naive Architecture".

The dimensions of the building built by one person admire: 26 m long, 14 meters wide and 10 m height. From the east side of the building it is written: "10,000 days. 93 000 hours. 33 years of struggle, if someone thinks he can better, let him try. "

French postman F. Cheval and his

The construction of this miracle palace ended in 1912. All people and neighbors laughed at Ferdinand and considered him soaked.

In the basements of this facility, he made two more crypts, one to himself, the second - wife. Ferdinand dreamed to be buried in the depths of this building, but the French authorities were forced to refuse him. This contradicted the laws. And he built a crypt for another 8 years on the territory of the city cemetery. He did him in the same style as her palace.

Ferdinand died in the 88th age, August 19, 1924

French postman F. Cheval and his

Literally before the death, Picasso and Breton came to him. They were in full delight and left the next place in their works.

French postman F. Cheval and his

Those who came to stand up to the palace were divided into two camps: someone liked this mezanine architecture and different currents, and someone spoiled and twisted at the temple.

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

The Government of France in 1969 was betrayed by the "ideal Palace of Sheval" the status of a historical monument, followed and the crypt was taken under the protection of the state.

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

Now this palace is a favorite tourist destination, although it looks like a children's town with stucco, balconies and ladders.

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

There are both birds and fabulous animals, and fairies, and giants in the stucco. Indian deities, Christian, Chinese and Arabic patterns can be found here.

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

On the facades of the building a lot of checks that served the motto of a glorious postman.

For example:

"For the heart, burning with desire, there is nothing impossible."

"Humanity, remember that you are just dust, only your soul is immortal."

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

French postman F. Cheval and his

Here is a story about a long road to your dream! Do you have an unrealized dream? Or maybe she just seems unrealized? Maybe attach a little effort and it will be in your hand, or there, for the nearest turn?


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