How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications


Even in the cozy home environment, the freezer department of the refrigerator is capable of much greater than only to store products for future (hypothetical) use. Many household problems are much easier, if they cool a little. Make sure yourself and rather unload the refrigerator!

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications
A person who invented the freezer chamber must be put a monument. Or two. Or, at least, make an ice sculpture. After all, how much money is saved by the freezer in your refrigerator your budget even calculate difficult. Not to mention industrial, scientific or medical applications.

Interesting: Is it easy to find in our edges a refrigerator, the freezing compartment of which is lonely empty? The task is not from the lungs. Who is who, and our people love to stock. But if in the freezer everything is scored before the failure, you still recommend freeing at least a little space. Because she can use you to ...

1. Unnoticed and spyware open the envelope

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications

Interested in other people's secrets? In vain. And in general, to read other people's letters - not good. Even if it is accounts. But if circumstances are forced, there is one way. Place the envelope in the plastic bag and send to the freezer on the other. Carefully open the stationery or ordinary knife (without cut!) Immediately, how to get. You have a few minutes to study the contents. After all, when the envelope feels, it can be easily sealed back.

2. Extend the gravity of candles

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications

Aromatic candles are now in fashion, more than ever. Only there are one disadvantage: there are not enough, but burn quickly. But there is a way to extend the burning time almost twice. Before using the candle, place it in the freezer for a day. Chilled wax burns much longer, and at the same time flowing less.

3. "Wash" jeans without water

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications

Jeans and washing - the combination is not too predictable. Even following the instructions on the tag, it is not always possible to "guess" the right temperature mode, avoid molting and fading. If you are afraid to risk, but jeans with your aroma already clearly hint that it is time to refresh me, send them to the freezer. Only pre-fold and place in a cotton bag or cover. One night in frosting conditions is enough to destroy all the bacteria sources of unpleasant odor.

4. Get rid of koroedov

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications

Suspect that non-crushed guests settled in an antique statuette of wood? Send the thing to the long holidays in the freezer: no less than a week or two. Beetles and other parasites will not survive such a link.

5. Easy for a food with food film

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications

The film sticks eternally and it is impossible to find her beginning? Put the roll in the freezer literally for a couple of minutes. This is enough to pacify it and facilitate use.

6. Save seeds until the next season

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications

Seeds are more likely to reach the spring or other favorable season, if you store them in the freezer. Naturally, in paper package. Just do not forget to give them to completely catch off before boarding.

7. Get rid of dust ticks

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications

Lifehak for allergies and not only. Sweater, bed linen or other "suspected" pack in a large package and send spending the night in the freezer. After post. Dust pliers will not suffer such an appeal, and you sigh with relief.

8. Extend the life of bypponent stockings and pantyles

How else can you use a freezer: 8 non-standard applications

Tired of throwing pantyhose after one time wearing? Do not be discouraged: reduce the likelihood of hooks and arrows is possible. Printing tights, wet them, tighten them well, put in a plastic bag and leave in the freezer at night. The cold fiber compacts, and the accessory will last longer. In the morning, give the pantyles to waste at room temperature and send to dry. One procedure immediately after purchase is quite enough.

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