Fighting for a crusade screwdriver: history of its invention


Cross screwdriver - an indispensable attribute of any tool set. But this in the 1930s, it was not immediately adopted by the technological community.

Fighting for a crusade screwdriver: History of its invention invention, crosswinter, cross-shlitz, facts

The first appearance of classic screwdrivers with a "flat" stale dates back to the XVI century, in almost unchanged form they existed before the beginning of the 20th century.

Fighting for a crusade screwdriver: History of its invention invention, crosswinter, cross-shlitz, facts

By this time, the screws with a slit had already caused many complaints, but were out of competition because of their cheapness. The disadvantages of the "classic" screws were especially pronounced with mass assembly, in particular, in the automotive industry. First, the sting was not centered, because of this, mechanical screwdrivers often sculpted, leaving scratches on the lacquered body parts. Secondly, when twisting, the screws and screws often "dragged", turning the head or damaging the fasteners. It is these limitations and gathered to overcome the American inventor John Thompson, in 1933 he patented a screwdriver with a cruciform staring and a screw with an appropriate head. However, an attempt to sell the invention to the manufacturers of hardware was not crowned with success. In 1934, Thompson became acquainted with Engineer Henry Phillips and outlined him the essence of his invention. Phillips I liked the idea, he bought the rights to Thompson's patent and organized the company Phillips Screw Company (it still exists). In 1936, he improved technology and developed a method of mass production of screws. Crusading screws automatically centered the screwdriver, and also did not allow "dragging" - the sting of the tool simply slipped.

Fighting for a crusade screwdriver: History of its invention invention, crosswinter, cross-shlitz, facts

However, the Phillips was waived everywhere. Finally, he managed to interest Yujina Clark, President American Screw Company, the largest manufacturer of hardware in the United States. Although the company's engineers objected Clark so seized the idea that he threatened "to dismiss everyone who would say that it is impossible to implement." The threat had an action, and the company, invested in the organization of production of half a million dollars, began the production of screws under the "cross". In 1937, GM first used these screws in the production of Cadillac models. The results were so brilliant that by 1940, all American automakers were transferred to the use of crusades, and hardware manufacturers were built up to the purchase of a license. During World War II, manufacturers of military equipment - tanks and aircraft were transferred to the use of these screws.

Fighting for a crusade screwdriver: History of its invention invention, crosswinter, cross-shlitz, facts

Since then, many different screws were invented - and under the polyhedra, and under the starrel of various shapes. But despite this, cross screws and screws (in English-speaking sources they are called the name of the inventor - Phillips) still remain the standard, and the cross screwdriver is the basis of any toolkit.

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