6 incredibly simple ways to clean the wallpaper from the stains


Someone from the natives inadvertently stained the wall in the hallway, the young artist decorated the wallpaper with his works, and the mystery of the bold spot on the wall in the bedroom remained unexpusable? Not time to despair, "so simple!" Tell how to wash the wallpaper properly from any contamination.

how to clean the wallpaper

How to clean the wallpaper

Initially, it is important to determine the type of coating: cleaning of paper or flieslinic wallpaper is fundamentally different from the washing of vinyl coatings. On a roll, there is usually marked with a given allowable degree of contact material with water.

Wallpaper marking

It is possible to determine whether it is possible to fully wash the wallpaper, it is possible and in this way: choose a small area on the wall hidden from the eyes (for example, behind the chair), with a sponge, moistened in the soap solution. If the drawing on the wallpaper remained primarily, the coating can be washed.

  1. Detergents

    This is the fastest way to clean the wallpaper from dirt with a disadvantage - contraindicated paper. But the phlizelinov or vinyl mine on health! Before washing the surface of the wince with a dry napkin, and then you already treat a sponge with a foaming agent.

    After washing the wet surface with a moisture napkin to remove excess water.

    Wallpaper marking

  2. Eraser or melamine sponge

    Easy pollution from any type of wallpaper will help to eliminate the usual stationery eraser. It is per annulated and to remove the fingerprints.

    But the melamine sponge (modern means No. 1 in the fight against spots) even traces of markers and ink removes, but it should be remembered that it is quite strong abrasive, which can damage the pattern of flieslinic wallpaper. Touch first in a small area.

    melamine sponge

  3. Bread meakish

    In this way, our grandmothers used in this way when it was necessary to remove contamination from delicate paper wallpaper. A slice of the balls in addition to a stain for a few minutes: gluten absorb dirt. Repeat procedure several times.

    Bread meakish

  4. Gasoline, alcohol

    This method is suitable for all types of wallpaper. Mix gasoline with dental powder. The resulting cashem will cope with the solar fat stains: apply a mixture on a stain, wait for complete drying. The rest of the brushes.

    Footprints from ballpoint pens, felt-tumbers, as well as coffee and tea disappear, if you lose them with a cloth dipped in medical alcohol.

    how to remove bold spots

  5. Soda, starch, baby powder

    To remove a fat stain with fliesline wallpaper, a mixture of water and starch (or soda) will fit. Apply a cooked paste on a stain and give dry. The remnants of a soft brush, then slipped with warm water.

    But the spot on paper wallpaper is better to handle dry powder (talc) and leave for a while. Powder residues removed napkin.

    how to remove bold spots

  6. Iron

    Apply the paper napkin to the spot and swallow the warm (not hot) iron. From time to time, change the napkins and let us cool to cool. Work carefully, since the stains from the iron from the coating certainly not to delete!

    how to remove bold spots

As it were, the tenants of the house should be treated to the wall covering, the troubles happen. The main thing is not to be upset, and in time to take the right measures. Then the plywood of the wallpaper can be postponed!

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