Inlay vase rhinestones


I decided to tell / show as I enlarge vases.

So, the necessary materials:


1. We choose the picture, print, cut out and glue it inside the vase by painting scotch tape


2. We divor the 2-component epoxy glue


3. Degrease the surface of the vase with alcohol

And now the work itself begins - carefully, the droplet behind the droplet is applied glue through the picture to the picture and we glue rhinestones on these droplets.


Master Class

The drawing is postponed gradually: the glue has been glued - the rhinestones were pasted, the glue was glued - rhinestones pasted, etc.

Watch that rhinestones do not move to, for this it is necessary to choose the optimal applying of glue (understanding of this is asleep). If this happened, then carefully put them back, and the sublifting of the glue is erased with a cotton waller dipped in alcohol.

Master classes

4. And here, Naoconse, everything is ready!

Inlay vase rhinestones

Inlay vase rhinestones

Thanks for attention!

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