10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet


10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

The Internet selects bread from doubtfully honest businessmen citizens: buy online much easier and in many cases cheaper than shopping. And yet, some things are better not to order blindly.

Especially on final sales without the possibility of returning. So think twice, or even three times before sending to your online basket ...

1. Mattress

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

In no case do not buy this thing online without prior testing. After all, the wrong mattress is capable of much worsening the quality of your life, while doing it completely unnoticed. Too hard or vice versa, unnecessarily mild mattress forces the body to stay in an unnatural position and test the tension even when you sleep. With a large share of probability, make you feel tired in the morning, or even lead to chronically pains in the back and lower back. So you will have a huge service if you carefully react to the choice, and not grab the cheapest option on the Internet. After all, it is better not to save on health.


10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

This ottoman or a huge armchair can be wonderful in the photo in the online catalog and just great fit into the interior carefully thought out by designers. But the reality of Surov. The shade can be very different from the stated, the material to be simply disgusting to the touch, and the fittings are copeful. So it is better not to be lazy and go in search of perfect furniture in real shops. And in the case of an interesting find, you can check prices with offers online.

3. Carpets and curtains

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

As in the case of furniture, reality may not coincide with beautiful photo expectations. Color and texture rarely can be transferred using photos treated in Photoshop. And in general: IKEA was discovered for?

4. Decorative cosmetics

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

In addition to those cases when you order your favorite tonal cream or a proven mascara in the online store for the tenth time, simply because there is cheaper there. Well, it is not possible to tested to powder or lipstick online, has not yet invented such technology. So, no matter how many beauties do not seek candle on the Internet, no matter how fantasy, the shade of the means on their skin will always look completely different. Therefore, decorative cosmetics, especially tones and lipsticks with glitters, especially expensive always need to be tested in the store. So that it was not painfully a pity wasted by wasting money.

5. Shoes

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

We will be brief: fitting in the store is required. Preferably, not one and not twice, in different days and time of day. To make sure to make sure that the new thing is all the same convenient and at the beginning of the day, and at its end. Especially refrain from shopping blindly, if your size refers to the "half-one", for example, between 38 and 39. After all, then the likelihood of "span" increases twice.

6. Fakes and replicas of expensive brands

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

Be honest with you: the fake "Luviton" will never look like a real (especially in the subway), and the "luxury" perfume of the Turkish spill nobody will confuse with the original. Compeced photo on the Internet is significantly embellished and exaggerated "amazing similarity" with a prototype - retouching, and even no one has canceled banal cheating. And in general, do you really want to let dust in the eyes surrounding?

7. Used cars

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

No matter how tempting did not look like an advertisement, a thorough test drive is obligatory. Ultimately, we are talking about big money.

8. Household little things

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

Ended gum for hair, napkins or toothpaste? Go for them to the nearest store, even if your favorite site offers free shipping. Just for the sake of movement.

9. Acoustic systems

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

Real sound quality cannot be described by technical specifications. It is just that rare case, when it is better to hear once than to see a hundred times.

10. Musical instruments

10 purchases that are not recommended on the Internet

If you choose the first guitar a first-grader baby, then the Chinese pine, purchased in the online store for sale, will irritate you no less than the expensive handmade tool. But if you or your child can already name yourself with a musician, then go to the shopping raid, test and listen. After all, finding "your" sound is not easy. And very important.

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