How to make a natural moisturizing shower gel



Who does not like to splash in the soul? But it has been proven that in addition to purely hygienic benefits, water procedures have a beneficial effect on the emotional state. True: warm souls great helps to relax and relieve tension, especially after a long day at work. And if there is also a good song (of course, your own execution), and if also with a soft foam ... What is not a spa salon for the soul and body? And make a daily ritual even more pleasant will help a good gel or shower cream. And today we will tell how to make it yourself. What, without preservatives and with excellent moisturizing properties. What is especially important in the harsh winter.

Now it has become fashionable to extract the list of ingredients of cosmetics and hygiene. And, of course, choose departure with the composition close to natural. At least, without oil refining products and, preferably, without preservatives. And if the shampoo that meets these requirements is not so difficult to find, then with the gels for the shower everything is more problematic. Because if you are careful, what chemistry contacts with your skin, and at the same time there is an need to moisten it, we suggest to make a good shower cream on your own. Believe it, it's easy.

To make a softening shower cream, you will need:

1. Soap in Broke;

2. Coconut or olive oil (optional);

3. Tyrka;

4. Pans

Step 1


The soap bar grind with a grater. We will properly immediately: the shower cream will get a lot. So, if you do not plan to stock up a whole liter of funds, then soda only half of the bar. A softer consistency soap (mainly with cream in composition) can be simply cut into large pieces.

Step 2.



Soap crumb or slices of soap Send into a saucepan. Add 2 full glasses of water. Optionally, to enhance mitigating and nutritional properties, add oil (coconut or olive), from two tablespoons to a measuring cup, depending on the desired consistency.

Step 3.


Save the saucepan on the slow fire and cook the contents, stirring until the crumbs are completely dissolved. There should be homogeneous consistency resembling milk.

Step 4.


Remove from the heat and give the cream to cool during the clock pair, periodically stirring with a spoon. If the tool succeeded too thick to your taste, add water and put it on the fire for a while, stirring.


The cream is ready! By the way, the case is very economical: one full bar of soap and 4 water glasses is enough for a whole liter of a soft tool for the shower. Not bad savings, right?

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