With a fantasy order - how from two lighters make a motorcycle


With a fantasy order - how from two lighters make a motorcycle

With a fantasy order - how from two lighters make a motorcycle

With a fantasy order - how from two lighters make a motorcycle

With a fantasy order - how from two lighters make a motorcycle

How to make a motorcycle out of two lighters

  • How from two lighters make a motorcycle: tips and recommendations

There are a large number of talented people in the world who are from the most common means at hand, can create unusual crafts. For motorcyclists there is an opportunity to collect original pieces that will delight the eyes.

Little to the head to collect a toy-bike, using only two lighters. It looks directly as a real motorcycle in a reduced form. Such a toy can become real souvenir for many motorcycle equipment lovers. If you do not know how to please a loved one, just make a gift for him with your own hands. Bike from two lighters is obtained high quality and interesting.

What materials are needed in order to collect from two lighters a motorcycle

What materials are needed in order to collect from two lighters a motorcycle

In order to collect a motorcycle using only two lighters, a large amount of effort, fantasies and details will be required. The main advantage of all materials for the assembly of the toy bike is their availability. Before you understand how to make a bike motorcycle from two lighters, it is necessary to collect certain materials:

  • Protection for nozzle. It is protective metal objects that are from above every lighter.
  • The hull itself is any of the lighters,
  • wheels
  • Silicon. It is also in every lighter.

This set for creativity is the main one. With the help of it, you can collect a certain model of the motorcycle. In order to collect a motorcycle technique from two lighters, you need to double the amount of each of the parts.

To collect all the details together, the design completely resembled a motorcycle must have the following objects at hand:

  • Bilateral Scotch
  • awl,
  • glue,
  • Heat to heat the details so that they are better attached to each other.

Stages of the process of creating a motorcycle from lighters

Stages of the process of creating a motorcycle from lighters

Each creative person has its own features of working with various materials. However, the sequence of performance when creating one subject in most cases is unchanged. That is why the process of creating a motorcycle from two lighters can be divided into the following steps:

  • Disaster lighters on spare parts.

First of all, you need to disassemble two lighters before creating your own bike. Of all the parts you need half.

  • In the second stage, the front of the motorcycle is created.

To create the front of the bike, it is necessary to insert into the housing of the plastic wheel.

  • At the third stage, the back is created.

It must be done by analogy with the front of the motorcycle, because the design has symmetry.

  • Construction seat.

To the front of the motorcycle it is necessary to attach a seat. His role performs the nozzle lever. It must be inserted correctly. This is done very simply on the other side of the wheel.

  • One of the most difficult stages is the construction of exhaust pipes.

At this stage, you need to work with super glue. It is applied so that the nozzle is securely attached in its housing.

  • Construction of the front of the bike.

In front of the front, you need to build a steering. To do this, use awl. The protruding plastic part must be pushed using this tool. Shilo for this purpose you need to glow well. In the holes on both sides, you need to insert a filter of one of the lighters. Excess parts can be trimmed.

  • After that, you can consolidate the protective parts of the nozzle under the wheel of the motorcycles. So that they securely keep needed to use glue or tape.
  • Motorcycle will be ready after connecting the entire design.

Tips on how from two lighters make a motorcycle

Tips on how from two lighters make a motorcycle

Motorcycle assembly from two lighters is a creative process. It is very important that the design is enjoyable from aesthetic point of view. It should be an indicator that you didn't waste much time, forces for this process. In order for a motorcycle from two lighters to be attractive and neat, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Do not take cheap plastic lighters to work if you plan to use your creation as a gift.
  • Glue work gently. It is very important in the process of creating a homemade bike to prevent the formation of adhesives.
  • Carefully follow all stages of creating a motorcycle from two lighters.
  • You need to use high-quality tools.

Today there are a large number of original master classes that help people do something unique from the most common things.

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