With your own hands or several very useful lifehaks


Sometimes you need to quickly and easily solve the problem, at least for a while. Of course, we know that there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution, but ...

With your own hands or several very useful lifehaks

So, you suddenly broke the wire on your iPhone charger.

He breaks away. We take the usual plastic tape, which seal bags with bread, and turn it into a spiral. Ready!

With your own hands or several very useful lifehaks

You removed the picture from the wall and noticed the hole behind it. No not like this. Your children pouted white walls in a hotel room. Closer to reality, right?

We take toothpaste and calmly smear minor damage. The track from the nail - exactly hide.

With your own hands or several very useful lifehaks

You can and white soap, why not?

With your own hands or several very useful lifehaks

You dried the stain remover on clothes, and right now in her go? Take the marker of the desired color and squeeze. Once will save, and after throwing damaged.

With your own hands or several very useful lifehaks

Lightning on jeans treacherously crawled? Ideally, you would find Passatii and squeeze the zipie engine (clamping off the inside and face) so that he holds hard. But as a temporary measure is suitable and the ring from the keys.

Blouse! Blouse Spare !!!

With your own hands or several very useful lifehaks

Are you visiting and scratched parquet, moving the furniture? Knew walnut and rub all scratches.

With your own hands or several very useful lifehaks

And hit program: drowned phone. Rule of salvation - immediately turn off, if there is an opportunity, then separate the battery. And shove the day in the package with rice.

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