Scarf for Temple - Great ideas for children and adults


Scarf for the temple. Super idea - beautiful and comfortable

Found this super idea "how to sew a handkerchief for the temple" from the needlewoman Mutyty. I think it can use many!

Next, the words of the author:

What are the good shawls for the temple?
  • They do not fall from the head, even when bounce,
  • Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sarafan, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse
  • Very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a scarf

Scarf for the temple. Super idea - beautiful and comfortable

It is sewn such a handkerchief from a guipure, a fester lace leaf, just from silk and is trimmed with appropriate lace.

Consumption: With a guipure width of 140-150cm from 110-120 cm, you will have 2 headscarves;

Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief);

1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone;

1.5 m thin satin ribbon;

2 confection (or 2 beads)

This scarf sewed for an adult, but my five-year-old daughter works the model))), although it looks like a handkerchief, almost, just as beautiful

Scarf for the temple. Super idea - beautiful and comfortable

Scarf for the temple. Super idea - beautiful and comfortable

Layout plan.

1) cut the fabric (140cm wide) in half in half (in advance! In the figure, the plan has already cut half !!!)

2) bending a strip of fabric by width

3) cut one of the lower corners (see photo below)

4) mark the scenery

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 ending (or 2 beads) This handkerchie sewn for an adult, but the model works my 5th summer daughter))), although it looks at an adult, almost, almost beautiful photo 2

This is so roughly cutting off one of the lower corners on the fabric.

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 confection (or 2 beads) This scarf sewed for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works the model))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 3

This is already after the lace was cut around the perimeter and sewed a scene (a photo, as always, uneven))), but in real life - everything is smooth !!!)

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 confection (or 2 beads) This handkerchka sewn for an adult, but the model works my 5th summer daughter))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 4

Lace and guipure elastic, so I sewed on a decaying, but you can and double needle

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 confection (or 2 beads) This scarf sewed for an adult, but my model works my 5th summer daughter))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 5

on the corners of the lace cut off, and then she sewed a small zigzag of the mustache, then he cut off too much

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 Conceiver (or 2 beads) This scarf sewed for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works the model))), although it looks like a handkerchief, practically, also beautiful photo 6

Sailing with an inside, although on another handkerchief I sewed from my face - it also turned out well

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 crighted (or 2 beads) This handkerchk sewn for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works the model))), although it looks like a handkerchief, almost beautiful photo 7

So in this case, it looks with the front side of the Kulisk

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 ending (or 2 beads) This handkerchie sewn for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works the model))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 8

Bowls in a ribbons. Satin ribbon

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 context (or 2 beads) This handkerchka sewn for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works the model))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 9

I have a big hole with a big hole, and the ribbon nodule slipped into it easily. Therefore, I came up with this design with a bead

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 Conceiver (or 2 beads) This scarf sewed for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works in the model))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 10

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 confection (or 2 beads) This handkerchka sewn for an adult, but the model works my 5th summer daughter))), although it looks like a handkerchief, practically, just as beautiful photo 11

Shawl on the model

Tie on the neck

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 confection (or 2 beads) This handkerchka sewn for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works the model))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 13


By the way, I plan to sew such scarves for the summer and your bunks - it's very beautiful!

But how looks at the child a children's handkerchief.

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 confection (or 2 beads) This handkerchie sewn for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works the model))), although it looks like a handkerchief, almost, just as beautiful photo 15

In the scene made a rubber band and secured. And the handkerchiefs on the button is fastened so that the child will accidentally delay the ribbon on the neck.

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 ending (or 2 beads) This handkerchka sewn for an adult, but my 5th summer daughter works the model))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 16

Scarf for the temple. Super idea - beautiful and comfortable

All the time ask sizes for a children's handkerchief.

Children, of course, are different, and it depends on the width of the lace, which you will sow a handkerchief (and in general, will you?))) But here, about it painted. From 80 cm of the guipure there are three (!!!) handker

What are the good shawls? 1) They do not fall from the head, even at bows, 2) Close the shoulders, which is important in the summer, when I want to wear a sundress, but because of the open shoulders you have to refuse it 3) very beautiful and spectacular! Especially on the wedding of the bride will be incredibly good in such a handkerchief, such a handkerchief is sewn from a guipure, a basic lace cloth, just from silk and is trimmed with the corresponding lace. Consumption: with the width of the guipure 140-150cm out of 110-120 cm you will have 2 headscarves; Lace for this size is 3-3.5 meters (for 1 handkerchief); 1.5- 1.6 meters of oblique bey in tone; 1.5 m thin satin ribbon; 2 context (or 2 beads) This handkerchk sewn for an adult, but my model works my 5th summer daughter))), although it looks at an adult, almost beautiful photo 18

By the way, the owner of the trademark of this scarf found me and threatened with the court and a huge fine, if I do not delete this post .... it means that I guess I guess 100%!)))))

So, girls, use. In an Internet shop, such a handkerchie from exactly the same guipure costs 2700, and it will cost us 300 rubles - plus-minus. 9-10 times cheaper !!!!

Scarf for the temple. Super idea - beautiful and comfortable
Recently, comments come to this post from anonymous. And everything, as under the carbon, with irritation (if not with anger), inform me that if you buy a guipure and lace in the store, it will be more expensive than buying a finished handkerchief.

Gentlemen, do not work! I will not delete this post and not change, because To many of my guests, he was useful or comes in handy in the future! Look at the number of people adding this post to favorites!

So, gentlemen anonymous, do not try, I will no longer answer you!

Added: March 2016. Consumption today as follows: Guipure 380 rub: 110cm = 418 rub on two scarves, one = 210 rub

Lace 80 rub: 350cm = 280 rub. Kosy Beach 9rup: 1.5m = 14 rubles. Satin ribbon 4 rub: 1.5m = 6 rub. Crossi 6 rub: 2pc = 12 rub

Threads do not consider)) Total: 520 rubles - Cost of adult scarf. But by the way, in the internet lace can be found and cheaper.

Scarf for the temple. Super idea - beautiful and comfortable

Scarf for the temple. Super idea - beautiful and comfortable

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