10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work


There is such a statement that in small doses, all poisons are useful. It is very difficult to argue with this. That, it would seem, the usual vodka, which thwarted and ruins tens of thousands of people, but no one canceled and useful its properties. But they are!

Vodka perfectly disinfects a variety of wounds, cuts, abrasions, and simply parts of the body. Initially, it was just for this and sold in pharmacies. If you need to quickly displaced your hands, you can pour vodka into the sprayer, so much more convenient and saves it to the right place. The microbe will not pass!

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

Perhaps vodka is a means of No. 1, based on a variety of drugs in folk medicine. In diarrhea, they are advised to take 100 ml of vodka and 1/2 teaspoon of the cook salt, mix everything and drink volley. The most famous remedy for a cold is to take equal amounts of vodka, honey and burning pepper, insist at least two weeks. Effective vodka cocktail from influenza: 50 ml of vodka, a few drops of radish juice and a quarter of a teaspoon of mustard powder - drink a volley and wrapped in a blanket.

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

At high temperatures, especially in a child, vodka wraps help very well. It is also recommended to moisten a cotton disc and wipe the temporal area, the side surfaces of the neck, the axillary regions, elbow, patellied and inguinal folds.

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

The whole focus is that vodka is an excellent diuretic that (with moderate consumption) prevents the appearance of edema, as well as perfectly removes toxins from the body.

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

No appetite? A small glass of vodka before meals will help him appear, as well as she can strengthen and sexual desire. Also noted the positive effect of the "gastric tincture" during gastritis and ulcers. For her preparation, the dry crust of orange (50 g), carnation, Mirrier and Cinnamon (for 6 g) and the Red Sandal (4 g) are necessary for her preparation. All components fall asleep into the bottle and pour vodka (3 l.). It is necessary to insist everything in a warm place (at least 22 ° C) within three days. Ready medicine take 50 g. Before meals for lunch and in the evening. But remember that the daily intake of alcohol, albeit in small doses, can still cause change in liver cells, so you should not constantly justify your desire to drink something with good intentions to cure or awaken.

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

In cosmetology, vodka is also used as widely: it is used in lotions for cleaning pores, preventing rashes on the skin, scents, as well as to stimulate hair growth. A pair of crushed Aloe leaves, 1 burning red medium pepper and, of course, vodka, no more than 500 ml. Ingredients need to mix and put in a dark place for 3 weeks. Rub this mixture in the roots of the hair for 2-3 months.

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

Previously, in the field conditions, vodka was often used instead of anesthesia, as well as to raise the combat spirit of soldiers. And now it is known that vodka regulates the psycho-emotional state of a person, helping him to cope with depression. But just to stop and understand when depression is defeated, it is difficult.

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

Vodka is widely used in cooking for the preparation of various sauces, marinades, cocktails, desserts. The traditional recipe for his beloved since childhood "twigs" just includes the addition of vodka.

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

Wipe the glasses, remove the mold and fungus in the bathroom - it will cope with it easily.

10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

Therapeutic properties vodka will have only when its day consumption will not exceed 30-50 ml per day. Then she will not harm the heart and vessels, but on the contrary - will make them stronger, will provide good blood flow.

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10 beneficial properties of vodka that really work

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