Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems


In everyday life, you are often encountered with small household problems that can be easily solved by attaching a mixture. We invite you to get acquainted with the collection of useful tricks that will help you solve the most annoying household problems.

1. In order to wear sandwiches with me or study, you can use an unnecessary box from CD discs.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

2. Water will not shine through the edge of the pan after boiling, if you put a long wooden spoon with a panty pan.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

3. Opener on a tin jar with gas can be used to hold the tube.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

4. To increase the sound of your mobile, you can resort to a simple trick: make it easiest of the homemade columns of ... Roll cores from toilet paper, as well as two plastic cups. Here are some options for such structures, the idea of ​​which a gramophone suggested:

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

We offer you a simple master class on making a device to enhance the sound, which will also appear as a stand for your phone:

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

To work, you will need:

- Cardboard core from toilet paper roll

- Two power buttons

- knife and scissors

- Pencil

- Colored paper

- Glue

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

Let's start working:

Cut your mobile to the cardboard base to measure the size of the opening. Please note that it should be a little more base phone so that it can be easily inserted into it.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

With the help of a knife cut the rectangular hole.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

As a supporting mechanism, use two power buttons that stick to the lower part of the cardboard base, as shown in the photo. You can try to stick the buttons in different places to determine which position will be most stable.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

Your homemade speakers are ready! Now they can be placed by colored paper as desired. To do this, cut the rectangle from the paper, which corresponds to the size of the cardboard base. Make an incision in the place where the hole should be. Apply the colored paper to the base and maintain the edges of the paper inside. Stick colored paper to the cardboard.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

Stand-column is ready! Enjoy the enhanced sound.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

5. If you want to check if the battery has a charge, throw it on the floor from a height of about 15 centimeters. If it bounces away from the floor just once, it means there is still a charge, if more than once, it means that the battery is discharged.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

6. In order for the extension cord to not disconnect from the electrical appliance cord, tie both cords to the knot:

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

7. To disguise scratches and damage on wooden furniture, sweete them with a purified walnut.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

8. While working with paint, pull over the bank over the bank, then when lowering the brush inside the jars, it will touch the gum, and the paint will not flock along the edge of the can and get everything around.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

9. So that rolls with wallpaper or watmans do not unfold, they can be placed inside the cardboard core of the roll of toilet paper, which can be cut along.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

10. To open the blister packaging, you can use a dunk for canned food.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

11. Great idea to protect yourself from beach vorays: Place all valuable trivia in an empty pure bubble from sunscreen. However, thieves can drain and bottle from the cream, so it is better not to leave valuable things on the beach without supervision at all.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

12. In order not to lose the remote controls from the TV and other household appliances, it is possible to glue the velcro to them to secure them into some kind of reliable place, for example, on the side wall of the TV or furniture.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

13. In order not to look for a constantly edge from Scotch, attach a plastic label to it.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

14. If you have a very small piece from soap, you're inconvenient to wash it, do not throw it away, but stick to a new piece of soap.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

15. To increase the luminosity of a small pocket flashlight, attach it to a transparent plastic water bottle.

Collection of useful tricks that will help you solve household problems

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