How to use heparin ointment from wrinkles, bruises and acne


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The first wrinkles, bags under the eyes and the false contour of the face are not pleased with anyone. Budget cosmetics help not all, luxury creams and serums do not always have enough finance. Therefore, affordable pharmacy ointments and gels are becoming increasingly popular - skin rejuvenation is not their main purpose, but, nevertheless, they can significantly improve the appearance.

The heparin ointment of wrinkles is such a means - inexpensive, safe and efficient, to use which can both men and women concerned about the first signs of aging.

Composition and action of heparin ointment

In medicine, heparin ointment is used to treat vessel obstruction, with increased blood coagulation, as well as a tendency to the formation of thromboms. This means of athletes for rapid healing of bruises and bruises are widely used, it is possible to treat them the inflammation of the veins after the long use of the catheter.

The main active substance of this ointment is heparin. It stimulates blood circulation, does not give blood to form clots, the vessels tones. That is why, if we apply heparin ointment on the face regularly, such results can be achieved:

- swelling and circles under the eyes;

- smoothed minor folds in the nose and lips;

- the wrinkles are becoming less noticeable on the forehead between the eyebrows and in the corners of the eye;

- disappear by the manifestations of cooperosis - vascular mesh on the face;

- improves the complexion;

- The contour of the face pulls up.

Such an action of ointments of nicotinic acid derivatives in its composition is explained. It expands the vessels and accelerates blood circulation, the exchange processes in the skin tissues are normalized naturally - without the introduction of chemicals. The skin is aging due to reduced collagen and elastane production. And the heparin ointment activates their production and thereby rejuvenates the skin without suspended, plastics and stitching threads.

Advantages and disadvantages of heparin ointment

The heparin ointment is available in any pharmacy without a recipe, and it is only 25-30 rubles per pack of 25 gr. For some women, this is a decisive factor. Ointment is well tolerated and does not cause allergic reactions, while at the same time quickly improving skin condition. The effect is noticeable after the first application - the face becomes more fresh and tightened. And if you use a heparin ointment for 2-3 weeks, familiar will certainly be interested in the result and ask which procedure you risked to do from a plastic surgeon.

The only contraindication to the use of this pharmacy is the individual intolerance to its components. In addition, it should be used with caution to those who have a tendency to royal and other bleeding. Heparin lowers blood coagulation, it must be remembered, and not to abuse this tool.

How to use heparin ointment

Heparin ointment can be combined with other pharmaceutical drugs or cosmetics. For example, in the morning you can apply the usual moisturizing cream to face, and at night - heparin ointment. The remedy is easily distributed over the skin and quickly absorbed, it is driven by the pads of the fingers under his eyes, and on the face they are applied with light massaging movements.

It should not be applied to the ointment too thick layer more often than 2 times a day. Women and girls who experienced this tool on themselves, noted an instant improvement in the face of the skin of the face - its elasticity and elasticity increased, the color was smaller. And three days later, dark circles became less noticeable under the eyes, the bags left and smoothed "goose paws".

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