Why in old houses did the window between the kitchen and the bathroom


Surely each of us, being visiting, noticed that in some homes between the kitchen and the bathroom (or combined bathroom) there are small windows. Maybe some even live in such apartments.

So why do they need these windows, if there is electricity in every house? So decided to understand the question and now shares with you the knowledge gained.

That's why in old houses made windows between the kitchen and the bathroom

According to one of the versions, such windows are prescribed by building standards for houses in which water heating is carried out using a gas column. In the event of an explosion, it should protect the walls from destruction. If the column is in the bathroom, the explosive wave should, in theory, knock out the window, sporming the bearing walls.

That's why in old houses made windows between the kitchen and the bathroom

However, the gas columns appeared relatively recently, during the time of the USSR, and the windows between the bathroom and the kitchen were still in the houses at the king. It is enough to remember the "dog heart" Bulgakov, in which it was described in detail how the balls communicated from the flooded bathroom with a professor.

That's why in old houses made windows between the kitchen and the bathroom

It turns out that the windows in the bathroom performed several functions at once, the main of which is the savings of light. The fact is that electricity began to appear in homes only at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. If the households needed to joke into the bathroom for a minute to wash his hands, to dry the candles or kerosene lamp was very uncomfortable. And the window made it possible to see where the clothes was and soap.

In addition, these windows provided better ventilation. They could open and quickly ventilate the room, having relived it from excess moisture. In addition, the window helped to make sure whether everything was fine with the child in the bathroom, or to penetrate the locked room, if a person was bad in it.

That's why in old houses made windows between the kitchen and the bathroom

This is how the origin of the windows between the bathroom and the kitchen is explained.

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