From the old to the new: 30 cases, when things were transformed in skillful hands


People consume more and more things. Now even phones without removable batteries, because either a gadget will die before the battery, or you buy a new model. But at the time of our grandmothers, the approach to creating things was in the root of the other. Then if they did a good thing, then it could be conveyed to grandchildren, which in principle happened. Therefore, it is especially difficult to part with such things when they lose their shine and beauty.

From the old to the new: 30 cases, when things were transformed in skillful hands

Fortunately, there are skillful restorers who are able to turn almost any old good thing to a new one. They publish their work on the REDDIT website in a separate thread and we invite you to take a look at 30 of their amazing restorations.

From the old to the new: 30 cases, when things were transformed in skillful hands

Restoration of the BSA motorcycle 1937

From the old to the new: 30 cases, when things were transformed in skillful hands

Restoration of drawer for fishing gear

From the old to the new: 30 cases, when things were transformed in skillful hands

"Restored the old desk, which found on the side of the road."

"Restored the heat carrier reverser."

"Old vice after coloring and polishing!"

Chair before and after recovery

The same door, but it looks completely different

"My first restoration. An ordinary box for drills, which I bought on a flea market for 1 dollar. "

Stool before and after restoration

"Restored the vintage chair."

Sharpener for pencils as new

"Before and after repairing my Volkswagen Golf GTI VR6 for 800 dollars."

Restoration of the leather jacket, which is slightly destroyed from the ride (left - before, right - after)

"Found on the side of two tables left for garbage truck."

"My porch is a little durable."

"I bought this old unnecessary chair on the courtyard sale for $ 1, knowing that an excellent stand for plants will come out of it."

Fireplace after cleaning

"Restoration of an old hammer before / after."

"Found this guy in a commission store for 1 dollar, and I had to return His greatness. I know, there is nothing special about it, but I was obliged to restore part of my childhood! "

"Entered the Restorers Club."

Bench received a new life

"Rehabilitated old cards."

New Life for Old Oil Lamp

It turned out new beautiful vice

Restoration of the grinding machine of 1962

This sickle can cut again

"I restored the concrete mixer Sears and Roebuck 1971."

Soldering lamp of the 1950s

"Restored the old Fuganok of my grandfather. He spins and ready for work! "

"He took the old sad chair and gave him a new life."

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