Twice a year turn the screw in the window frame. This secret should know every economical owner.




Did you know that many models of plastic windows have summer and winter mode? Now you know. In the summer, this option allows you to weaken the pressure between the rubber gasket and the outer part of the frame and allow the air to penetrate the air more freely. Accordingly, with the cold pressure, the pressure can be increased to prefer heat inside. In countries where most houses do not have central heating, this secret helps the owners to save well. If it concerns you, look at it. If your windows are suitable for this description, you can easily change them from the summer regime to the winter. In fact, there is no secret here. It is only necessary to turn a 90 degree bolt to the left or right. Depending on which mode you need. This is the video (in German) everything shows in detail. First, the host "squeezes" the frame on one and a half millimeters, thereby increasing the pressure, then reduces it: video: Another useful advice: Once a year, lubricate the movable parts of the frame with a droplet of oil and check how tight bolts are tight. It does not take much time, but your windows will be like new.

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