Bottled cucumbers - convenient and profitable! New way - 2017


How to plant and grow cucumbers, all gardeners are heard. However, there are always those who approach the process creatively. Causes are different: I want fresh vegetables, but there is no dacha area, or the climate is not too favored by cultivation, etc.

So a new way appeared - planting cucumbers in plastic bottles, which turned out to be convenient and effective for many vegetables.

Plastic bottles have already adapted for different needs. The method of growing seedlings in them is widespread. This container is comfortable, easy and almost free.

Landing the cucumbers in plastic bottles allows you to grow a vegetable on the balcony in the apartment. Successful experiments on the cultivation of vegetables on the balcony are already well known, but earlier boxes or buckets were used for them. This container looks not too presentable and requires a lot of space to accommodate. And plastic - more compact, perfectly misses the sun rays, the plants feel very comfortable in it.

The seedlings produced in bottles can be planted and at the cottage in the open ground, and to the greenhouse. Moreover, plants are placed there along with a bottle.

If you have an open soil - it turns out that it will contribute to a faster growing of cucumbers, which will allow them to mature even in a period of not too long summer. Or, in the event of a landing of early varieties, enjoy crispy vegetable already in June.

Bottled cucumbers - convenient and profitable! New way - 2017

Plastic rim bottle will help:

  • Protect the plant from the Medveda, in the fight against which dackets often lose;
  • Save water when watering. In this case, the water comes directly to the roots without spreading over the surface;
  • Get rid of seedlings from weeds, they will not interfere with the normal growth of cucumbers and the development of their root system, and also will not "dear" in vegetables useful for the development of minerals.

In the case of a greenhouse landing, you change the landing soil annually, excluding the formation of pathogenic microorganisms in it, so plants will be healthy and strong, which is the basis for obtaining an excellent harvest.

Cooking the landing site

The recipe for the preparation of the soil under the landing can be developed, based on personal experience. The main condition is his porosity and looseness so that it possesses good air transmittance. If you are a beginner garden, you can use the finished soil, which is sold in the store and is intended for growing seedlings or vegetables.

Bottled cucumbers - convenient and profitable! New way - 2017

The most common recipe for self-preparation consists of 4 components taken in equal parts:

  1. ordinary soil, which can be accumulated in the garden;
  2. overwhelming foliage from any tree, except oak and willow;
  3. peat;
  4. drainage mixture. Under it can be adapted to the husks from sunflower, shell from eggs or moss sphagnum.

Birch ash does not hurt in the soil. Be sure to embark it if there is such an opportunity, then a rich harvest is guaranteed.

Always try to prepare high-quality soil, then the cultivation of cucumbers in bottles will pass without complications, the seedlings will develop healthy, and the harvest will be harvested.

Bottled cucumbers - convenient and profitable! New way - 2017

Bottle use options

The next step should be prepared by plastic containers. Bottles for this are suitable with a capacity of 5 or 2 liters. In five-liter plants will feel more comfortable. In such a bottle, you can plant several seeds or seedlings, whereas in a 2-liter no more than one.

Prepared bottles just - enough to cut the top (1/3). You will have a plastic pot and cover to it. In the bottom you need to organize holes to ensure the outflow of extra moisture, if you accidentally overdo it with watering.

The resulting containers fill in the prepared soil, we shake a little. Make sure the border of the soil is below the cropped edge of several centimeters. Now you can plant germinated seeds or prepared seedlings of several pieces into each bottle. When landing in five-liter containers, the maximum number of plants - 5 pieces.

The resulting pots with cucumbers can be placed on the balcony in the place prepared for this or carry on the cottage site for the soil into the soil. The container in the ground is burned in approximately 2/3, on top it is worth covering the lids remaining from trimming to create seedlings greenhouse conditions for growth and protect against low temperatures at night. When the cucumbers are growing, the coverage is cleaned.

Bottled cucumbers - convenient and profitable! New way - 2017

For landing in the ground, it is recommended to do more holes in a bottle or to clean the bottom, leaving only the side rim.

Plastic bottles are good for the production of seedlings. To do this, the container is cut not across, but along, removing one wall of the bottle. Fill the tank with soil and snew germinated seeds. By the way, this method of breeding seedlings is effective for any cultures. In such plastic plantations, it is convenient to grow greens on the balcony - it will always be at hand and fresh.

You can apply the bottle of originally by cutting it in half. To do this, it is better to take a 2-liter. In the "funnel" - part of the bottle with the lid - the soil poured and put the separated seeds there, and in the "glass" pour water and install a funnel there. The level of water should be taken to the neck; The plug, of course, is removed. You get a system of individual autopolis for each personally made pot. It is convenient, beautiful and compact.

Bottled cucumbers - convenient and profitable! New way - 2017

Care for cucumbers

Cucumbers - Gentle plants, they love heat, but the straight sun rays are transferred badly, so if the growing of the vegetable occurs on the balcony, then it is worth providing a comfortable place for growth.

Care for cucumbers planted in a bottle is practically identical to the usual.

Watering plants only with water heated to room temperature. Two weeks after the appearance of the seedlings of the plant begin to feed, using a weak fertilizer solution. It is recommended to start with 15 g of potassium and 5 g of ammonia nitrate, 30 g of superphosphate, 5 magnesium sulfate, divorced on a bucket of water. Gently water shoots, trying not to hurt the leaves. After 10 days, you can bother with manure, which is bred by water in proportions 1:20.

When growing in a greenhouse or on the balcony, you need to take care of the formation of a ride cucumbers. The operation is done when the real 3rd sheet appears. It is neatly cut off, trying not to damage the stem. From the stubborn kidney of the second sheet in 5 days will begin the development of the side. The second pieceing is made later over the 5th or 6th sheet, the third is another 2 new sheets.

Try so that the plants are not on the drafts to avoid malicious dew.

Bottled cucumbers - convenient and profitable! New way - 2017

Follow the color of the leaves. If yellow spots begin to appear on them - it may be an indicator of the disease by a bypass tick. Instantly treat the plant, otherwise the leaves will fall out. For this purpose, it is possible to use prepared climbers from garlic (5 crushed poles to pour boiling water and insist about 6 hours) or onion husk (the jar of 0.5 l with a husk is poured with hot water, insist and dilute 1: 2). Infusions are filled and spray with them the lower side of the cucumber leaves, where the pest is located.

Timely activities and care for vegetables guarantee you an excellent harvest.

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