15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes


15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Simple tips that will help bring things in order to spring.

So spring came, and with her dirt, puddles and something worse. All this is capable of rendering not the best effect on shoes and clothing of each of us. Launch dirt in the wardrobe can not be in any case. Fortunately, if a variety of tips on how quickly and efficiently restore order and purity. We look and remember.

1. Furious fur vest

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Return the shine to sweat fur.

Refresh and return the brilliance to the sweat fur will help walnuts. Their kernels need to be chopped into the powder and wrap in a bag of folded threefold gauze. This bag must be thoroughly wiped the product towards the growth of Village. Soon, walnut oil is absorbed into the fur, and he will again be born as before.

2. Cleaning leather bag

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Cleaning bags of genuine leather.

Clean a long-not worn leather bag from dust and dirt can be used with warm soap water with the addition of a small amount of ammonic alcohol. Thoroughly wipe the surface of the bag with a cooked solution, let it dry by naturally, and then processed the leather surface with a soft cloth moistened with castor oil.

3. Unpleasant smell of shoes

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes.

Eliminate any unpleasant smells from the shoes will help hydrogen peroxide. To do this, the inner surface of the shoe and shoes must be carefully treated with a cotton swab moistened in peroxide. Such a reception will make rid not only from unpleasant odors, but also from malicious bacteria that cause it.

4. Cleaning products from suede

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Cleaning suede shoes.

Easy to clean suede shoes will help couples. Just hold the product above the saucepan with boiling water, and then clean the special brush.

5. Cleaning leather jacket

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Clean the leather jacket.

Wash the pollutable leather jacket can be warm no boiled milk. Fat-containing in milk absorbed and moisturizes the skin. After such a procedure, the surface of the jacket can be wiped with a flannel cloth moistened in glycerin or vaseline.

6. Cleaning the collar coat

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Cleaning the felling collar coat.

The collar is one of the fastest-contaminated places of the coat. Clean the salted collar will help the mixture of salt and ammonia alcohol in proportions 1: 4. Apply the cooked solution to your cotton swab and carefully treat contaminated areas.

7. Freshness of a dark coat

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Refresh the dark woolen coat.

Refreshing a dark woolen coat without dry cleaning will help strong tea brewing. Just wipe it with a cotton cloth moistened in a tea brew and leave dry.

8. Reinforce jeans

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Refresh jeans without washing.

If a long time is not worthy jeans purchased a nonstable, a sharp smell, place them in a package with a lock and put for several hours in the freezer. Such a trick will make it possible to quickly refresh the thing without erasing it.

9. Katovka on sweaters and shirts

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Get rid of katkov on clothes.

In order for seasonal clothes, it is always like new before sending it to the closet, things need to wet, carefully fold into the package, put in the freezer for several hours, and then omit in warm water. Such a cunning will make cloth cloth softer and prevent the appearance of katoshkov. And in the event that such were still formed, remove them with a very sticky tape.

10. Quickly eliminate smells

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Eliminate odors from clothes.

A common vodka will help to save clothes from the smell of non-reliance or sharpness. Pour it into the pulverizer and spray the right thing. The alcohol neutralizes the bacteria and after drying it will be fresh and suitable for the sock.

11. Soften leather shoes

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Stretch and soften leather shoes.

If the leather shoes have become too coarse and cloth, pour into it a little cologne, table vinegar or alcohol. Such a procedure will significantly soften the skin, and it will easily take the shape of the leg.

12. Fasten the button

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Secure a tumping button.

Quickly fasten the button, which seems to be-torn off, will help the transparent varnish. Just lubricate them with a weaker thread to temporarily fix it.

13. Whiteness of the spent things

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Check off the surfed clothes.

White clothes look very festive and attractive. However, over time, such things can sit or ship and completely lose their appearance. The universal bleach from the ingredients, which in the house for everyone, will help to return the whiteness of the beloved things. Just pour about 12 liters of hot water into the bath, add 50 grams of any washing powder, 8 tablespoons of salt, 20 milliliters of ammonia alcohol and 3 tablespoons of peroxide. In the resulting liquid, soak white things for 4-5 hours, thoroughly spend their hands and rinse with cool water.

14. Cleaning Dublenka

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Cleaning spring coat.

To clean the coat, the same soap solution is suitable with the addition of ammonic alcohol. After that, the product needs to be treated with another solution of 20 grams of glycerol, 20 grams of ammonia alcohol and 5 grams of borants. All ingredients need to be mixed in 500 milliliters of water. Such cleaning will allow to eliminate unpleasant odors, remove the existing pollution and return the product freshness and shine.

15. Get rid of sweat spots

15 tricks that will help quickly refresh and put in order Spring clothes and shoes

Clean the clothes from the spots spots.

Lemon or food soda will help to get rid of disgusting traces. Just wet the contaminated area and spend it well with his lemon or a small amount of soda after which, comprehend, as usual.

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