8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise


We tell how to change the space with the help of wallpaper, hide disadvantages and just create an unusual interior

1. Hide corners

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Wallpapers are not only a decoration, but also a tool for the correction of space. The active, flowing from the wall on the wall, the print will help tactfully disguise the shortcomings of the room, distract attention from them. Such a reception is perfectly working in rooms with niches, protrusions in unsuitable places, trapezing rooms with a broken perspective. Even in a tiny bedroom (as in the photo), this technique works great: in the evening, the ornament does not hurt, and in the morning - "takes up", barely open your eyes.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

In the kitchen-living room on the photo of the wall-plated walls, the wall additionally works on the "camouflage" of the kitchen headset, distracting attention from it.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

It is the opinion that large and catchy ornaments are contraindicated with small-sized premises, but let me disagree. The point is not the magnitude of the pattern, but in its "degree of presence" in the room. For example, a tightly planted contrast ornament will just work on one wall even in a compact room - as in this bright living room in the photo.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

To everyone who doubts, I advise you to start with a single wall - behind the headboard. Aversion decorate, in the eyes of the lying in bed "Raise" will not. But in this case you have to break your head with the selection of furniture (monophonic and contrast to the bright or motley background).

2. Add plinth from wallpaper

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

It is hardly the most famous way to combine the wallpaper - to leave the wall on the "Dark bottom, white top" principle. The proportions are usually taken 1: 2 (the upper part is greater than). And the wallpaper of two species is combined. Try to break both rules: change the proportion and combine the wallpaper plinth with any other finishing material of the walls - paint, wallpaper, mirror panels. Proportions matter. Reception "Narrow bottom, wide top" suitable for rooms with low ceiling; Then the lower part measure no more than 1 meter in height. In this case, align the wallpaper line on the floor - otherwise the non-parallelism in relation to it will immediately rush into the eyes.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

The wide bottom and narrow top are appropriate in spacious and high rooms. Use this method in the hall, dining room or bedroom to visually "omit" the ceiling.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

When combining horizontally, you can both beautifully stick the wallpaper in the hall of two colors, contrasting each other, and choose monochrome options with different prints or texture (for example, the upper part is "under textiles", `Lower - under the plaster). It is no longer the combination of wallpapers with wall panels (as in the photo).

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Do not forget to close the horizontal junction of the wallpaper curb - paper, wood slats or ceiling plinth. The choice depends primarily from the thickness of the walls themselves: if the texture and thickness at the junction is approximately the same, then the border of the paper is suitable. A noticeable difference in the thickness he will not hide.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Please note: Kant between the wallpaper and the wall panel may be neutral or actively attract attention, as in the interior in the photo from above.

3. Put the wallpaper ... across

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Horizontally "striped" reception is quite bold, but there is a place to be. With proper handling, it even visually expands the space.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

I advise you to carefully use the horizontal oriented ornament of wallpapers in combination with bright colors and active prints: will be rich in the eyes. Your choice is monochr.

4. Display vertical

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Usually, the vertical combination of several types of wallpaper involves alternating the canvas with a similar texture and the same width. But their shade is more often different either within the same color (monochrome option), or more cardinal, but not too contrast. As an option - you can alternate monochrome stripes and wallpaper with ornament. As a rule, vertical bands are more accent than horizontal division into two parts, so the use of vertical strips on the walls in itself most often acts as a decorative reception.

Tip: Think how to make a junction between the canvas. One of the ways is to stick them on a pre-painted wall with an indent.

5. One wall that pleases the eye

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Pretty much we tell about the emphasis walls that attract the glance and decorate the room. They are usually very active, contrasting with respect to other walls. And that is why the accent wall is advised to clean out of sight. And what if on the contrary? Buy expensive wallpapers only for a wall that falls into your field of view. And admire them lying in bed or sitting on the sofa. At the same time, other walls are made neutral - simple wallpaper or paint.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

6. With a continuation of the ceiling

Sometimes the role of the most accent wall can play the ceiling. Animated by catchy with wallpapers in combination with restrained canvas on the walls, perhaps, will be too bold solution for a low ceiling apartment. However, if, for example, you live in an apartment with ceilings from three meters or you are looking for an unusual solution for the ceiling on the attic - you can permanently afford it.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Look at the living room in the photo. It would be quite a classic American interior - light, air, with a clear geometry. But here the floristic rue is broken from above - it looks fantastically.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Another option is the ceiling as a continuation of the accent wall. Using the difference in textures or color wallpaper, you can quite clearly designate the dining area in the kitchen or, say, the bed area in the bedroom. If you have a ceiling with a standard standard 2.65 meters, then you simply pick up a very contrast combination of two types of wallpaper. Let it be better to differ in texture or barely noticeable ornament. In the bedroom in the photo, the designer added active curtains - smoothed the effect of the visual "hanging" of the ceiling.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

5. Light and dark

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Select the combination of wallpaper of contrastful dark and light colors in a separate paragraph and reception, as this is one of the most visual and effective ways to work with the geometry of premises, especially small. Depending on the placement of furniture, you can shove in contrast-dark one or two walls in the room, leaving light for the rest. So the room will seem spacious, because dark color has the ability to "fall" - becomes implicitly close or far away.

Fact: Dark wall with window opening - a winning solution, as it is against the light and does not participate in its reflection. This means that in the lighting of the room you do not lose anything.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

To give the room at the same time depth and height, go the dark wallpaper in the windows, and on the far from the entrance of the wall - almost to the tone as the bright floor or ceiling. From this space will seem a bit already and longer, but for compact square rooms or, for example, attic rooms is a good solution.

6. Oboyaya Patchwork

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

If there are 5-6 cloths of various patterns at your disposal, make a panel. Neighborhood of different colors and textures - for example, a combination of smooth and embossed wallpaper, glossy and matte coatings - can give a very interesting decorative effect. In the interior in the photo, the designer cut out the pieces of 45x45 cm and made up of them collage. So if you have left wallpaper rolls from previous repairs or you are limited to money on a new one - collect "by roll" with friends and make a fashionable wall.

7. Taste inserts

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Some copies of modern wallpaper collections are so good that they may well replace pictures. This solution is particularly important for the classics of interiors - enter into a fragment of beautiful wallpapers in moldings against the background of a monochrome wall.

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

If you like wallpapers from natural materials, they often have an inaccurate edge, and jokes look slightly. It is how they are shown to the execution of "in the frame".

8. Loose silhouettes

8 ways to punish the wallpaper otherwise

Usually it is about ready-made stickers "from wallpaper", but simple ornaments (such as a house for a wall in a nursery) You can cut from ordinary manual wallpapers.

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