Already no one will surprise the swans from old tires. However, there are such craftsmen!


The desire to reflect the country area, transforming it into an attractive cozy corner for a comfortable stay, quite naturally.

No one will not surprise the flower beds and swans from old tires. However, there are craftsmen who make real wonders from tires! It deserves a husky!

No one will not surprise the flower beds and swans from old tires. However, there are craftsmen who make real wonders from tires! It deserves a husky!

No one will not surprise the flower beds and swans from old tires. However, there are craftsmen who make real wonders from tires! It deserves a husky!

No one will not surprise the flower beds and swans from old tires. However, there are craftsmen who make real wonders from tires! It deserves a husky!

No one will not surprise the flower beds and swans from old tires. However, there are craftsmen who make real wonders from tires! It deserves a husky!

No one will not surprise the flower beds and swans from old tires. However, there are craftsmen who make real wonders from tires! It deserves a husky!

No one will not surprise the flower beds and swans from old tires. However, there are craftsmen who make real wonders from tires! It deserves a husky!

Favorite floral compositions are invariably popular element of landscape design of country sections. A worthy rim of such compositions often fit the flower beds from tires, which are among the easiest in creating and practical products. Of course, you can buy ready-made vases in specialized stores.

Levels of flower complex

But created by the hands-made flowerbeds from tires are not only a beautiful and functional design element, which gives the design of the section of exclusivity and uniqueness, is primarily the pride of each dac.

Registration of finished product

How to choose a tire? Excellent when there is maybe there is a choice. Choosing between old tires of the domestic manufacturer and imported products, preference should be attributed towards the latter. Imported tires have a softer and thin rubber with which it is much easier to work. If you choose between the "summer" and "winter" rubber, then the winter option is more like working. By deciding to create original flowerbeds from the tires with their own hands, turning the old spent tires into street vases of bizarre forms, it is necessary to prepare the original material in advance and think about it to make a flower leaf from the old tire, it is desirable to choose wheels with maximum tread wear. The product is softer and allows you to significantly alleviate the process of turning it inside out.

Contaminated land and sand tires must be cleaned. And the point is not even that it is nicer to work with a clean product. Just when working with dirty tires, the blade of the knife and the peeling is fastened much faster.

Step-by-step design example

Stage # 1 - Application line cut

Drawing contour chalk

Before being taken for making flower beds from the tire, you need to think about how the finished product will look like: a bowl with smooth edges, a rone with a wavy cut-off line or flower bed in the form of a large flower bordered by petals or fringe. The drawing, along the contour of which will be carried out the section of the section, is applied to the side of the product Thundering the shape of the cut, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the design of the "Pan" principle - cover should be obtained: deep lower part and cut upper part. Over all circumference, the contour is easily applied to felt-tip pen or chalk. It is interesting to look the edges of the cut, made by wavy lines or decorated in the form of teeth and fringe

Stage # 2 - cutting along the contour

Figure cutting steps

Thinking on how to make a flower leaf from an old wheel, decorated in the form of a large flower, it is necessary to cut petals around the edge of the product. The size of each petal should not exceed 10-12 cm. Otherwise, when turning the tire in these places, the rubber simply will not be bludging, and the flower bed will not accept a flat round shape. You can use a shoe knife for cutting wheels. A well-honed intrusion will significantly speed up the work to facilitate the cutting process, by applying a liquid soap for lubricating a knife blade. Excellent if there is a logged saw at hand. With the help of the jigsaw, it is convenient and quickly performing curly drinking. Labor mechanization is described in detail on the video: performing the cutting of the tire along the contour, along the tread recesses it is necessary to make 5-10 cm longitudinal slots.

Stage # 3 - Turning the tire when creating flower beds on the leg of the wheels with their own hands, the first thing you need to turn the rubber tire inside out.

Turning the tire after cutting metal

For many craftsmen, this stage of work becomes a real stumbling block. The process of turning the rubber is a rather laborious process. Some craftsmen are recommended to facilitate the process to pre-cut a metal-chop to crack the metal tool must be performed with a grinder to perform several cuts along the outside. Rubber cut out smoothly. On the contact of the disc with the cord can be judged by the raid and the high-smoke-highly smoke product on the surface.

The slots perform at an equidistant distance of 15-20 cm. After conducting preparatory work, you can start turning the tire. Before you start turning the tire for the flower beds, we would like to tell one secret: it would be enough to turn out inside out at least a small piece of tires, and work will go "like oil." The turning process is well shown in the video: flowerbed from old wheels is ready, you can begin to decorate it. The design of the finished product to create and grow flower beds in black forms is not quite aesthetic.

Therefore, as soon as the flower bed gave the desired shape, you can begin to decorate. While the outer surface of the twisted vase was not covered with a layer of dust, it is desirable to paint it. Painting is the easiest and most affordable way of designing black rubber flower beds for painting rubber products perfectly suitable oil, enamel and nitrocracies. On the pure surface of rubber, the paint lies with a smooth layer and keeps quite a long time. To dye flower beds, you can also use car paint residues.

With the help of an aerosol can be performed in just a few minutes. Use in the design of flower beds of light tones of paints will prevent the overheating of the earth inside the container. It is interesting to combine the colors when the base of the flower is decorated in one color, and the cloves or petals - the other most craftsmen paint the rubber flower leaf only from the outside. But still, to make the capacity of a more attractive form, it is desirable to grab a little and the upper part of the inner surface of the product. In the design of the flower, you can give complete freedom of fantasy. Glass aquarium pebbles, glued on flower beds, create an illusion of dew drops. Wanting to additionally decorate the flowerub, on top of a monochon layer of paint can be applied ornament of another color.

But it is not necessary to be extremely zealous: in the brown growth of colors, the flower patterns can be completely covered with hanging or fluttering plants. Minimum costs, a bit of free time - and a gorgeous decoration for the furniture area is ready, such a flowerba will become a worthy addition of the interior and the element of the landscape design of the cottage. It remains only to fill the container with a layer of soil and plant your favorite flowers.

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