Why I removed all the magnets from my refrigerator


Made a modern repair, and the old refrigerator as Belmo in the eye? Do not rush to throw it away, because there is a lot of ways to inexpensively and originally transform a shapper refrigerator. Here are 8 stunning ideas!

What to do from the old refrigerator do it yourself

Ideas for creativity

  1. Bright sticker

    This is the easiest and fastest way to decorate the fridge. A variety of stickers will allow you to choose a suitable picture for any interior.

    Decor of the refrigerator do it yourself

  2. Decoupage

    Refrigerator decor Using the technique, decoupage requires certain skills and patience. But the result will be great. Believe me, any hostess will be proud of such a creative refrigerator.

    Why I removed all the magnets from my refrigerator

  3. Coloring

    Update the boring color - always a good solution. You can choose such a shade, which will emphasize the details of the interior. Before, How to paint the refrigerator , prepare the surface.

    how to decorate a refrigerator with your own hands

  4. Wallpaper

    When there is no time and money on the update, then everything goes on hand. Old wallpaper is exactly what you need. Quickly, easy, and most importantly is not expensive.

    ideas how to decorate the fridge

  5. Photos

    Decorate the refrigerator with memories. Print favorite photos and fully cut the refrigerator. A great idea for those who love to nostalgite.

    Why I removed all the magnets from my refrigerator

  6. Slate

    The refrigerator, placed by styling paper, not only stylish, but also practical. On its surface you can make notes, leave messages, write recipes, draw.

    from the old refrigerator do it yourself

  7. Mirror

    An interesting mirror on the door will transform not only the refrigerator, but also visually makes the kitchen more.

    What to do from the old refrigerator

  8. Imitation of wood

    With the help of paint and decorative moldings from the old refrigerator, you can make a real art object with your own hands. This solution is suitable for vintage kitchens with wooden furniture.

    Decoration of the refrigerator photo

So with the help of low-cost materials and fantasies, you can change the refrigerator beyond recognition. Guests and in the head will not come that this technique is 10, or even 20 years.

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