How to make a salt cucumber lamp


What about what people do not think to surprise their friends

Today I want to tell you how you can make a light bulb from salt cucumber.

I do not advise you to try, if you do not have any skills to handle electricity,

Or you just have hands grow not from that place;)

Things that we need:

- pickled cucumber;

- power cord;

- thick copper wire with a good cross section;

- It is desirable to have clips for wires, but it is possible without them.


1. Think twice before the start of this experiment and try not to apply damage to the current.

(The presence of knowledge of electronics is required!)

2. Prepare the power cord.

3. Connect the wires to the clamps.

4. Cut and paste two copper pieces of wire in different cucumber ends

5. Connect clamps to copper endings sticking out of cucumber

6. Insert the plug into the socket.

7. Requires 10-15 seconds so that the cucumber warms out.

8. The light is ready!

For very curious: the cucumber is glowing, as sodium is lit in it.

Huge request: Try not to kill yourself;)

How to make a lamp of salted cucumber (5 photos + video)

How to make a lamp of salted cucumber (5 photos + video)

How to make a lamp of salted cucumber (5 photos + video)

How to make a lamp of salted cucumber (5 photos + video)

How to make a lamp of salted cucumber (5 photos + video)

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