15 home tricks that allow you to solve a lot of household problems with sugar


In a new review, 15 small, but incredibly useful tricks were collected, each of which is quite accurately useful in every home. To implement each of them, sugar will be used. There is nothing complicated in the proposed ways, let and have to spend some time.

1. Stop bleeding

Use sugar with cuts.

2. body scrub

Sugar based homemade body scrub.

Sugar is an excellent skin care. Small sweet grains perfectly remove contaminants, dead skin cells, narrow the pores, moisturize and even have an anti-aging effect. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare your own homemade body scrub, which will make the skin smooth and velvet. To do this, mix a few sugar spoons with olive and coconut oil, add a few drops of any essential oil, mix everything into a homogeneous cleaner, place in a jar with a lid and use 1-2 times a week to clean the skin.

3. Bouquets of living colors

Extend the life of bouquets of living flowers.

Add 3 tablespoons of sugar to the vase with water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar so that the flowers bouquets longer remain fresh and pleased the eyes.

4. Razhigig Kostra

Use of sugar to ignite a campfire.Sprinkle firewood cooked for a fire, sugar and only after that start the ignition. Sugar reinforce the burning and fire will turn around without any effort.

5. Elimination of spots

Sugar to remove stains.

Sugar perfectly copes with spots, as well as with stains from fresh herbs. To do this, mix sugar with a small amount of warm water so that it turns out a thick Cashier. Apply a mixture on a stain and leave for a few hours, after which you put a thing as usual.

6. Means from Icotes

Sugar from Icotes.If ICOT suffer, put a piece of raffinad or a teaspoon of sugar in the mouth and dismiss until complete dissolution. Such a trick will help to cope even with the strongest attack of Icotes.

7. Cleaning hands

Cleaning hands from strong contaminants.

Clear hands from machine oil, fat or any other serious contaminants will help sugar. Mix it with a small amount of warm water before the formation of a thick casher, which should be applied to the hands and rub and wash off with water. Such a procedure will allow to quickly eliminate fat and pollution, as well as provide deep skin cleansing.

8. Baking freshness

Sugar for storing baking and cheese.So that cakes, cakes, cookies and bread are not worried and did not deteriorate them in hermetic containers with several pieces of raffinada. Also, with the help of Rafinad, you can prevent the appearance of mold on the cheese.

9. Get rid of unpleasant odors

Rafine to combat unpleasant odors indoors.

With the help of sugar, you can get rid of the exhaust smells of Gary or fish in the kitchen. Just put a piece of raffinad into an old metal bowl and burn it.

10. Remedy for UK bites

Sugar from OS bites.With the bite of the wasps, bee or harder, sprinkle the affected area of ​​the skin with sugar. It will extend the poison from the wound and prevents the appearance of edema.

11. Remedy for burning language

Rafine from the burn language.

Rafine can be used to facilitate pain in the burns of the tongue or mucosa of the mouth with a hot drink or food. Just put a little sugar on the affected area and the pain subsides.

12. Insect traps

Trap for OS, mosquitoes and harnesses.

So that mosquitoes, the wasps and hornets do not overshadow the time of staying in nature, build a simple trap for them. To do this, you need to build some kind of funnels from the cut bottle and fill it with a mixture of sugar, water and yeast. Yeasts are distinguished by carbon dioxide, which attracts midges, flies and mosquitoes, and sugar will be interested in other insects.

13. Accounts

Statch things with sugar.

The starchy things are denser, strong, crispy, mandate less and remain clean longer. However, it is possible to starch the things not only with the help of starch, but also with sugar. To do this, cook syrup from 5-6 tablespoons of sugar per liter of water. Syrup must be boiled until sugar is completely dissolved in water. Things should be lowered in hot syrup, squeeze, straighten and dry.

14. Pasta for Shugaring

Sugar epilation at home.

Sugar epilation is a popular procedure that can make rid of unwanted vegetation for a long time and make the skin smooth and velvet. Conduct such a procedure at home. For this you need to prepare a special paste of 10 tablespoons of sugar, 4 tablespoons of water and the floor of a teaspoon of citric acid. All ingredients need to be mixed in a saucepan with a thick bottom and boil on low heat, stirring the substance so that sugar is not burned. When the paste acquires an caramel shade, just darker than a light beer, a saucepan needs to be removed from the fire, cool it and start epilation.

15. Fertilizer room colors

Forming flowers sugar.

To make room flowers to grow rapidly, were strong and bloomed them should be periodically feeding with sugar. Especially relevant such fertilizer will be in the winter season when the plants feel the sharp lack of ultraviolet. Sugar can be covered in a pot with flowers on one teaspoon, after which it was pure water or syrup cooked from a tablespoon of sugar diluted in 500 milliliters of water.

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