Useful post to help repair


Repairs! How much of this word. Someone is already sitting in liver, and someone, yes, yes, dreams of starting it. For all, we offer some simple online services that will help you correctly calculate the amount of tiles, wallpaper, laminate, place the furniture and make another bunch of useful. We ask those who have even more interesting and important resources, as well as tips, add them in the comments. Create the most useful post together!

I'll say right away - I'm not a builder !!! Not far from the builder. Just came the moment when the repairs came to our house and there was an interest in all kinds of services that helps in this hard matter - repairs.

I'll say right away - I'm not a builder !!! Not far from the builder. Just came the moment when the repairs came to our house and there was an interest in all kinds of services that helps in this hard matter - repairs. Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

I apologize again - you have services better, better, extensive, more convenient, etc. - add boldly! Let's help many martyrs who have to repair ...

Visualization in 3D

Visualization in 3D Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

Here you can sink your furniture at the corners and look in 3D, how it will look like. The minus of the resource is that it is necessary to pay extra for an increase in furniture samples, but even with the available free samples, it is quite realistic to fold the expective picture of the future room.

Visualization, furniture layout

Visualization, Furniture Laying Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

Another resource from the same series is the visualization of the premises, layout of furniture, windows, doors and other things.

Repair Tips, Forum

Repair Tips, Forum Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

This site contains a lot of all kinds of repair tips. Yes, the main articles are often accompanied by advertising, but there is a forum where the people are already sitting and gives their ideas and advice. And by the way, it is possible to make a laminate calculation.

On-line calculator

Online Online Calculator Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

Here is another online calculator for construction work (in the frequency of laminate). By the way, the calculator will help in other matters, there are many calculations, there are even, for example, the function of drawing up a sentence from a heap of individual words. Who can come in handy?


Calculator Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

Another calculator, there is a construction section and there you can calculate pipes, electrics, heating, finishing works, etc. etc. Each section is scheduled - each calculation is taken into account

Tile layout

Laying Tile Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

Tile layout services Great many, give one of them - everything is written here, spelled out, you can add any furniture and everything is recalculated up to one tile.

One more tile layout

One more layout of tiles online services, useful, repair, tips

There is also a calculation on the tile, but on this site a great many tile manufacturers. You can dig in an infinitely, picking up the color, drawing, texture, etc.

Simple visualization for tile

Simple visualization for tiles online services, useful, repair, tips

Another shell rocket. Here, everything is simple - I threw on the walls and look - what kind of likes

Layout for wallpaper, tiles and other things

Layout for wallpaper, tiles and other online services, useful, repair, tips

Wallpaper, however, as well as the tile, you can calculate here. Also a very convenient resource

Furniture layout

Furniture Laying Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

Recommend this furniture layout service. Here you can calculate the amount of material, decompose the general view and create your own collection.

Ideas for design and repair

Ideas for design and repair Online services, useful, repair, tips

On this site a lot of designer ideas. If you have not yet decided that and what it will look in your home - Right, and suddenly there is what you need

Ideas and redevelopment

Ideas and Redevelopment Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

More ideas for home. Here you can also make redevelopment visualization.

Ideas, projects, embodiment

Ideas, Projects, Embodiment Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

More ideas - the difference between this site is that here people exhibit their projects - from idea to incarnation

Roofs and skates

Roofs and Skates Online Services, Useful, Repair, Tips

Online calculator for calculating roofs and material for the roof.

According to the Council of Physkinyanin (Vladimir Herzhak) add another forum with repair tips

According to the advice of Fashkinyanin (Vladimir Husha) add another forum with the repair tips on-line services, useful, repair, tips

Here the truth is a lot of tips for all repairs!

Physkinyanin Alexander Kvashin offered SketchUp - a great opportunity for different modeling

Fashkinyanian Alexander Kvashin offered Sketchup - a great opportunity for different modeling online services, useful, repair, tips

Cute house from Fashkinyanina Costa - 3D visualization with furniture planning, floors, houses with drawings and other online services, useful, repair, tips

A source

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