How do you like the ideas of a greenhouse in the country do it yourself

The greenhouse in the country may be so. How do you know ideas?

Today, almost every owner of the household site has a greenhouse on its territory. Often without him just do not do, if you need to grow early vegetables or greens. Greenhouses can be used for seedlings, with their help it is easy to get an excellent harvest of vegetable crops.

Many people, far from agriculture, do not see the difference between the greenhouse and the greenhouse. But in fact, these are completely different structures.

The greenhouse is a small-sized structure, which is necessary to protect thermo-loving plants from adverse climatic conditions. It is much less than a greenhouse and has no heating. Unlike greenhouses, where plants can be grown year-round, the greenhouses are used only in the warm season. A greenhouse is made of lateral fencing and a transparent roof, which can be removed if necessary.

The greenhouse in the country may be so. How do you know ideas?

The greenhouse in the country may be so. How do you know ideas?

The greenhouse in the country may be so. How do you know ideas?

The greenhouse in the country may be so. How do you know ideas?

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