6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result - a wonderful gift that no one will not leave anyone!


6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

Unusual "In the course of life!" Today it represents, especially for those who want to please a close man with an original gift. Paper from backlit paper No one will leave indifferent!

How to make Likebox

You will need

  • Watercolor paper or good quality cardboard
  • Two-way tape on the foam basis
  • stationery knife
  • Sheet ceiling tile
  • frame
  • LED Strip Light
  • 12 V power supply
  • Smooth Substrate (Board, Maketing Makeup, Glass)


  1. Sketch For the future Likebox, you can come up with yourself, and you can make a composition of the pictures downloaded from the network. Do you know the roofs of these houses? Ba, they are from the cartoon "Kid and Carlson"!

    6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

  2. Draw a sketch on dense sheets by planning the sequence of layers. The stationery knife cuts the necessary elements. If you failed to cut the paper from the first time, spend the knife along the same line several times. Start cut from the smallest details closer to the center of the sheet. In the course of work, you will understand what pressure it is more convenient to work.

    6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

    6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

  3. From the ceiling tiles, cutting the foundations for which with the help of bilateral scotch will need to stick the blanks.

    6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

  4. Intermediate stage.

    6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

  5. Here is such a sandwich!

    6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

  6. According to the inner perimeter of a wooden frame on a double-sided adhesive tole of the LED tape, connecting it later to the power supply. Insert the glued paper blank in the frame.

    6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

  7. Likebox in the on mode, you can enjoy the fruits of the works!

    6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

Look at the amazing beauty video, which shows the process of creating backlit patterns. I admire the skill of this guy!

Hand-made wonders! Human fantasy is limitless ...

6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

Fantastic three-dimensional effect.

6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

How many painstaking work, but the result is worth it.

6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

Simple composition, but what kind of shadows!

6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

Interpretation of the famous work Van Gogh. Thanks to the LEDs of various colors, the picture looks magically.

6 layers of paper, 2 days of work, and the result is a bomb! A plague gift that no one will not leave anyone

Seeing these chambers, I lost peace: I want to get down to the point as soon as possible! I am already looking for pictures for a sketch ... Your friends are just obliged to see this beauty, share an article with them!

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