How am i chewing chest


One time he thought about the utility in the farm of such a thing as a chest. Many seen the chests from their grandmothers. What did they store there? More unknown.

I decided to make your own hands the most authentic chest. She climbed the Internet, no instructions and master classes found. But I found designer chests in the online stores, the price of which comes to 300 thousand rubles. !!!



Chest material, chest do it yourself

It all started with a standard plywood sheet with a thickness of 15 mm.


Cutting chest, chest do it yourself

Seven times fatten ...

I tried to use the sheet to maximize to remain as few crawling.

Putty + grinding

Putty + grinding chest, chest do it yourself

Although plywood is quite decent quality, small defects had to eliminate.


Assembly. Chest, chest do it yourself

Fucked self-drawing + glue (I do not know why).

Grinding, putty, spinning again.

As I am a chest made a chest, chest do it yourself

Little lacked length. Letting this piece on the bottom. The missing drank, docked, smeared putty - not visible.

Yes, in the background a glass with champagne. Do not look for the back plan, look at the chest.))

As I am a chest made a chest, chest do it yourself

Since the chest is a hard thing, I decided to put it on the wheels. So that you can use as furniture, the wheels chose (from what is in our city) Powerful - the manufacturer claims 70 kg. The load for each.

Installation of wheels

Installation of wheels chest, chest do it yourself

Under the corners put squares for the stiffness of the structure, and that the wheels do not pushed the bottom.

Wheels in place

Wheels on the site of the chest, the chest do it yourself


Put on the wheels. The chest pattern made the lid.

Finished cover

Finished cover chest, chest do it yourself

Putty + grinding.

General form

General view of the chest, chest do it yourself

As I am a chest made a chest, chest do it yourself

My assistant.

As I am a chest made a chest, chest do it yourself

Put the handles and canopies (loops). Installation of canopies is the most difficult. Putty and grinding - the longest.

Front view. Loops under the locks. What chest without locks?

Front view. Loops under the locks. What chest without locks? Chest, chest do it yourself


Painting the chest, chest do it yourself

For painting, all metal elements except for canopies shot. Painted acrylic paint. Does not smell. Beautifully painted in the room. It seems there was 3 or 4 layers. By the way, before painting coated with acrylic soil (white bottle behind the suitcase).

Installed Gazlift

Installed gas lifts chest, chest do it yourself

As I am a chest made a chest, chest do it yourself

In the initial position, the lid is open. For closure, you have to strain the gas lift and fix the lid of the loop.


Decoration chest, chest do it yourself

Well, what chest without a metal? Old grandmother's chests are frown, I have aluminum. He took a 30 to 30 corner.


Cutting chest, chest do it yourself

Ipowed as it should. I thought I was wrinkled, as it should, but about it later.

Painting Aluminum

Painting aluminum chest, chest do it yourself

I found out that aluminum just do not paint. Opened the Internet. It turns out that the acidic soil is needed for painting aluminum. At car forums praise this (photo). As it should be, degrees, inflicted from all sides. I would like to celebrate the smell of this soil. It is just an environmental catastrophe. So I have not met anyone.


Installation of the chest, chest do it yourself

As I am a chest made a chest, chest do it yourself

As he said earlier, the corner was cut off not enough. In a place where three segments converge, a white paint is visible. Black marker, I think it will help.

As I am a chest made a chest, chest do it yourself


1. Sunduk turned out a little higher than I would like. Did not calculate the height of the wheels with lining and the height of the lid.

2. There are no such jambs that cannot be fixed using a putty and grinding machine. If there is, then you need more putty and time.

3. To cutting the corner you need to approach more responsibly. Here putty is powerless.

4. Use the acid soil is needed in a well-ventilated room.

Decorative elements can be added to free surfaces. I plan to make them a continuous pattern of plywood 3 mm., Which paint black (example in the photo below).

My creation has already survived one move (for a removable apartment, the thing is irreplaceable). It was driving dishes. Movers suggested that I have gold bars there (heavy). They received the answer that if there were gold bars, they would move to the apartment better and in another city.

Well, something like this.

As I am a chest made a chest, chest do it yourself

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