I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake


I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

The toilet water of popular brands is not noone. And I don't want to do this money to get the earliest fraudsters, who learned to deftly fake boxes and bottles. Below you read what you need to pay attention to when buying a perfume, so as not to get a fake.

Check certificate

The surest way to find out, keep your original or fake in your hands, is to ask the seller a certificate, or rather the conformance declaration, which contains a manufacturer, distributor, a country of production. By the way, the conformity declaration can be found in the Unified Customs Registry.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

Additionally, the seller can pass voluntary certification for any kind of cosmetics and perfumery.

Buy in proven stores If you bought original toilet water in one store several times, then you should stick to this tradition and for the new bottle to go there again. Probably, other offline and online stores will be enthusiastic discounts, but the desire to save may eventually lead you to disappointment by a poor-quality product.

If you still decided to ask why the seller demonstrates an attraction of unprecedented generosity, selling perfume 2-3 times cheaper than in a proven store, never believe in fairy tales like "this customs confiscate" or "This is the same water, but is made under license Holland "and so on.

As for confiscate: Do you really think that manufacturers of luxury cosmetics allowed their goods to be customs? Well, "Production in Holland" or "This is directly from the warehouse" - ordinary fake cosmetics sellers.

And also famous brands rarely produce probes for sale, road formats and other miniatures. So buying a microflacon by 10-15 ml is always the risk of running on the fake.

One of the famous brands producing small vials-handles - Salvador Dali. Also in "Handles" you can find Escada, Masaki Matsushima and some more brands, but you need to be an expert or carefully examine a specific toilet water and a manufacturer to determine, fake in front of you or not.

Consider packaging

If you can't get courage to ask the certificate in the store or perfume you presented you, it means you will have to focus on other signs. Let's start with an outer cardboard packaging. It should look expensive and attractive. You should be nice to keep it in your hands. Carton must be quite dense, pleasant colors, inscriptions - blacks, easily readable. The bottle should not hang inside the box.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

If the packaging is wrapped in polyethylene, it should also deliver tactile pleasure: to be thin, tightly adjacent to the box. The edges of the film must be sealed, and not rudely glued. Such a package, of course, Ideal:

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

More often the box looks like the following in the following picture. Packed carefully, though the film is torn down at the bottom and the box is slightly deformed, because there inserted a protective sticker with a barcode.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

Some manufacturers do not use polyethylene, but distributors or store employees independently wrapping boxes so that they do not lose its freight look. Such a package may not look very presentable. If something confuses you, check with the seller, where and when the goods were packaged in the film. It is easy to figure out the manufacturer's website, look like a bottle and box. However, there may be ambiguous situations. For example, in the official GUCCI store, there is no Flora by Gucci Gorgeous Gardenia toilet water in the volume of 30 ml, but it meets in stores. By some of some surveys, I found that the bottle of such a volume was released earlier, only in another box, and this year all the toilet waters of this series were published in boxes with a floral print. Probably, this is a limited edition dedicated to the anniversary: ​​this year the famous Pattern of Flora from Gucci marks 50 years.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

According to my request from P & G, they replied that in the store where I saw toilet water, all the products are official, and the Gucci store site is updated as often as I would like. Well, even the mistakes of the brands are lack of defects. The so-called Batch code should be present in the box: numbers or letters and numbers, as if depressed in cardboard. Exactly the same code should be on the bottle! It can be written directly on the bottle or on the sticker. Deciphering the Batch code using a special service, you will learn the date of manufacture of toilet water.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

Batch code can be decrypted on the site checkfresh.com.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

Batch code is not always at the bottom of the bottle.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

Explore the barcode and information about the manufacturer

In fact, this is a very tangled and ambiguous method - trying to determine the barcode, fake it or not. It would seem that everything is extremely simple: Made in France is written, it means that the same country should be determined by the barcode. AN no, the barcode is very often not coincided with what is indicated on the box, for example, because the plant is located in one country, but the headquarters of the manufacturer to another. And in the barcode, the country is the location of the headquarters. There is a specific example. Toilet water Flora by Gucci Gorgeous Gardenia. On the box it is written: Made in France, P & G Prestige BEAUT? Geneva, London EC1A 4DD, UK. Judging by the barcode, the manufacturing country is the United States.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

And the sticker in Russian states that the plant is located in France.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

And how is it all lead to a common denominator? Where in the end produced toilet water? And what is the manufacturer of the washing powder? And the essence is as follows: Gucci toilet water (like many other perfumes of the luxury class) now produces P & G Prestige Beaut? - The subsidiary of the Giant Procter & Gamble. The main office of P & G is located in Cincinnati (USA). This is what the uniform information system of the GEPIR global register on this barcode is:

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

The brand Giorgio Beverly Hills was purchased by Procter & Gamble in 1994, so far everything converges. Of course, P & G Prestige BEAUT? Many plants at different points of the world, and one of them is located in France, where, judging by the inscription on the box and the declaration of conformity, and produced toilet water. So you do not hurry to call the seller by a fraud, if the specified country of production did not coincide with the barcode, first try To figure out what.

Curious discovery: an application for iPhone Scan, which I have been using for a hundred years, reads not only QR codes, but also barcodes, and also shows a patch with a commodity. In this application, I even had a barcode that I could not find in the GEPIR register (this also happens sometimes).

Gucci toilet water, which has become the object of my careful surveys, is shown in the photo in the old packaging.

Consider the bottle

The glass bottle must be high quality, without bubbles inside and other flaps. If the bottle is colored, then it should not be painted outside, that is, the paint should not be sprinkled or stitched. The cap should be sufficiently weighty and tightly close the bottle, so that it can even be raised by the cover. The pipe should be almost inconspicuous, it should appear only when the liquid goes out. The base of the pulverizer should not scroll. Ensure the bottle. Bubbles in high-quality toilet water will be dissolved within 10-15 seconds, in poor quality disappear instantly.

I distinguish the original toilet water from the fake

The color of the spirits should not be too bright. His, by the way, can also be viewed on the manufacturer's website. And if you constantly use this toilet water, you can imagine what color it is. Perfume water and toilet water of one series may differ in color.

Rate aroma

The right perfume or toilet water is disclosed gradually. Top notes - for 15 minutes, then medium notes, and in a few hours the train. For fakes there is no full-fledged aroma disclosure. One important indicator is a fragrance resistance. For perfumes, it is 5-10 hours, for perfumed water - 4-8 hours, for toilet water - 2-4 hours. And let's decompose everything around the shelves.

How to act if you decide to buy toilet water

- 1 Turn into a proven or large and well-known store. Small shops and online stores can sacrifice a reputation for the sake of benefit or due to lack of experience to face unclean to hand with the supplier.

- 2 -Shevit toilet water, carefully inspect the packaging. Does she have flaws, do you feel that keeping in your hands a really high-quality product.

- 3 - Shoot a box to explore the barcode, the Batch code and the manufacturer information. Ask the store to show the conformity declaration.

- 4 Apply the aroma on the tester strip and on the wrist. Rate the upper notes, after 15 minutes - medium, in a few hours - the flavor of the aroma. On your skin, the fragrance will be disclosed not as on paper, so be sure to rende it a few hours on myself, to understand how hard it is resistant and is suitable for you.

- 5 - Look at the brand site, see how the box and bottle looks like.

- 6 -After buying spirits Print them around the box office. Inspect the bottle: glass must be without defects, letters and inscriptions must be clearly readable, paint should not be stitched. Consider the cover, it should be a weighty, tightly snapped to the bottle of the bottle. Make sure that the same batter codes are indicated on the box and vial, read all the inscriptions on the bottle.

- 7 - it should be without a precipitate, not too bright. The bottle should not be poured to the edge! In the vials with "shoulder", the liquid is poured to the "shoulders", in the vials of another form there should be airspace with a volume of not more than 4% of the bottle capacity.

- 8 - Night part of the pulverizer should not rotate, the tube must be almost imperceptible. Broke several times to check that the pulverizer works. By the way, the first few pshikov can be "idle", this is normal. Make sure this is the fragrance that you tried from the tester bottle.

If everything says that you are real perfume or toilet water, but for some reason you still do not let the feeling of distrust, you can always give them to expertise and confirm or refute your assumptions.

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