15 non-standard ways of useful use of mustard in the house, in the country, for health and beauty


Useful properties of mustard and ways to use it.

In a new review, the readers of readers are somewhat good advice on how to use the hubber to improve health and beauty. These tips can be useful to everyone, which means they should be carefully viewed and take note.

1. For washing dishes

Natural dishwashing agent.

An ordinary mustard powder will successfully replace even the expensive dishwashing agent. With it, it will be possible to wash even very fatty dishes in cold water. In addition, such a means is completely natural, which means safely and much cheaper chemical detergents.

2. For washing

Safe and efficient tool for washing.

Mustard powder can be used for manual and machine washing. Just add 50-100 grams of powder into a pelvis with water or pour directly on the laundry in the car and start washing the way you do it usually. Mustard perfectly disrupts things from wool and silk, does not wash color and gives clothes the smell of freshness. In addition, this is the most effective natural agent that will become a find for opponents of chemistry and people suffering from different forms of allergies.

3. Fighting spots

Fighting fatty stains.

Mustard perfectly copes with stains, especially with fatty. Just pour on a contaminated area of ​​dry mustard powder, wait a little while the mustard will absorb fat, and after cover the same stretch of packed powder from the dilution powder. After all these manipulations, the thing should be wrapped, as usual, and rinse well.

4. From unpleasant odors

Fighting unpleasant odors.

Mustard powder Beautiful assistant in the fight against unpleasant odors. The mustard powder can wipe the dishes and the shelves of the refrigerator. And if you finish a little dry mustard in the gauze and hang in the closet, it will be possible to get rid of unpleasant smells of sharpness and dirty linen.

5. From pests

Means for protecting plants from pests.

Mustard powder is actively used in gardening to protect plants from pests. They can sprinkle the soil to destroy malicious insects. And in order to protect the leaves of plants from caterpillars, threshing, naked slugs, a paustic tick, cabbage whitening, spray them with a solution of water and mustard powder in proportions of 100 grams of powder for 10 liters of water.

6. For soil

Growing mustard in the garden.

Growing mustard in the garden.

The cultivation of the mustard in his own garden will bring invaluable benefits of soil and cultures. The roots of this plant burst the land will enrich it with oxygen, scare the wire and slugs, and the flowers will attract the bees to the garden.

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7. From a cold

Means from a cold.

Mustard is widely used in folk medicine. For example, to quickly cope with the runny nose, you need to fall into the foot in the bath with 4 tablespoons of the mustard powder. In addition to treating a cold, such a bath will help to remove the fatigue after a hard work day.

8. For disinfection

Use mustard with small cuts.

Mustard can be used for disinfection of small cuts. Just sprinkle the wound and the skin around it with a small amount of mustard powder.

9. For head wash

Mustard for washing the head.

Mustard powder, diluted in a small amount of water to the consistency of sour cream, can be used for washing hair and scalp. People who preferred this natural medium note that their hair became strong, obedient, acquired a healthy shine and grow much faster.

10. To strengthen hair

Strengthening and accelerating hair growth mask.

Mix in a small container 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 teaspoons of sugar, egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of water. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin of the head and roots of the hair, without affecting their ends, and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the time, wash the mask with warm water and wash the head of the shampoo. Such a mask will improve blood circulation, will strengthen the cuticle and stimulates hair growth.

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11. From acne

Mustard acne mask.

Winners of the fatty skin should take note of the recipe for mustard mask capable of toning the skin and prevent acne appearance. To prepare, mix the mustard powder with a small amount of milk to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin for 5-7 minutes, and after it is necessary to wash warm water well.

12. For lightening freckles

Mustard mask for lightening freckles.

Despite the fact that freckles are hardly the main beauty trend of this season, their owners often dream of getting rid of them. Lighten the freckles and make them less noticeable to help mustard mask. To make her cooking, mix the spoonful of mustard powder with a spoonful of honey and apply a mixture to problem areas for 5-7 minutes. After time expiration, the mask must be washed off with plenty of water and moisturize the skin.

13. From cellulite

Cellulite remedy.

Could cope with cellulite and return the skin tone will help the mask from honey and mustard. To make her cooking, mix 2 tablespoons of mustard powder with 3 tablespoons of honey. The resulting mixture must be applied to problem areas, firmly wrapped with a film and lie under a warm plaid for an hour. After such a procedure, a mask need to wash off and take a contrast shower.

14. For cattle

Feeding livestock.

Grinding gentlemen can be mixed with another grass and use for feeding livestock. This plant is rich in protein and can prevent many diseases.

15. For muscle relaxation

Relaxing bath with mustard.

Relaxing after a hard working day will help the bath with the addition of mustard powder. In the filled bath, add 2 tablespoons of mustard, a few drops of your favorite essential oil and a little sea salt.

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