8 killer flavors against mosquitoes


Nature gives protection, and no chemistry!

8 murderer flaves against mosquitoes do, money from mosquitoes, facts

1. One hundred grams of camphor or valerian, evaporated over the burner, get rid of Muh and mosquitoes even very large rooms.

2. Finely cut fresh leaves of cherry or rowan and graze open areas.

3. Essential oils Carnations, Basilica, Anisa, Eucalyptus:

Lubricate open areas of the skin (5-10 drops on a glass of water), or on the source of fire - in the fireplace, fire, on a candle or a preheated frying pan. Moisten the oil of these plants with a vaccine and put on the windowsill.

4. Fresh bins of elderly in the room, they scare mosquitoes as well as the smell of tomato leaves.

5. If you decide to sit in nature - throw the branches of the juniper branches.

6. The smell of cedar oil scares not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.

7. No insect will not touch the face, if they wash the decoction of the roots of wormwood (handful of chopped roots pour 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, insist 20-30 minutes.).

8. When you have a liquid for an electric fumigator, do not rush to run to the store behind the interchangeable block. Fill in an empty bubble 100% extract (!) Eucalyptus. Mosquitoes will forget the road to your home.

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