What is parawan, or what are wearing the beach this season


What is Parawan?

"Beach Shirma" or Parawan is a very strange accessory for recreation, which was invented in Poland. Today, everyone who goes to relax at the Baltic seeks to acquire Parawan in order not to look among the resting "White Voronev". And the owners of Paravanov argue that it is very convenient. Maybe you should try?

Somewhere in the Baltic.

When for the first time you get to the beach in Poland, it creates the impression that I got into the country of attached introverts. Each person (or a group of people, holidaymakers together) makes their sand block with a special shirma. These paravans are literally all around. On the one hand, this is definitely convenient because no one will be fused on the legs while sunbathe. But because of these Paravanov (after all, people, naturally, are not shy in size in the size of the sections of the seats) on the beach, there is no free space at all.

Polish beach, top view.

Polish beach, top view.

This tradition is not at all. Beach shirma in Poland are used since time immemorial. Just earlier, it was not particularly advertised, until the pictures of the beaches were covered with paravans appeared on Facebook and Instagram.

Pavarant is convenient.

Pavarant is convenient.

This design is made of a long piece of colored fabric stretched between several metal or wooden stakes, which can be easily inserted into the sand. Wires differ in size depending on the number of people for which it is necessary to disperse the place. There are both tiny pawans, which barely grabs to upset one beach towel, and just gigantic widths per half.

Loan its territory.

Loan its territory.

Contrary to popular belief, Paravanov were not designed to defend himself from prying eyes. It's no secret that strong winds are very often blowing on the shores of the Baltic Sea, so the screen was originally intended to allow lovers of a warm sun to burn without blown from the beach. The theory that these shirms appeared due to the sociophobia of local residents, originated from posts on social networks, such as Facebook and Vkontakte, in which people tried to explain what they did not know about.

To protect against wind

To protect against wind

Nevertheless, there is also a contradiction side of Paravanov. In recent years, people have begun to abuse these beach accessories and occupy much more space than they actually need. Today, it is often possible to see one or two beach towels in the middle of a huge empty section of the sand, surrounded by Paravan, in which the places would have enough for decades.

Everyone is near, but for Paravan.

All beside, but behind Paravan

In the summer, the beach Shirma "Natakans" is so close to each other, which a person can pass between them, not to mention the place to find a place for where to enjoy sunbathe. It creates a problem for foreign tourists who are not familiar with these accessories that just want to find at least some free place.

Paravanas in folded form.

Paravanas in folded form.

Motion beach shirms are an important part of Polish culture. They are often depicted on T-shirts, magnets and other souvenirs that are sold at sea resorts. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the beaches are becoming more crowded in the summer, and they constantly arise conflicts due to lack of space. It came to the point that when some people go for a few hours from the beach on business or dinner, they leave their paralybians so that no one occupied their place.

So far only in Poland!

So far only in Poland!

The huge popularity of beach shirm is an exclusive for Poland, more Paravanas are not found anywhere.

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