The father broke the electric kettle. Such a plastic, with a button ...


Pictures on request from the father broke a kettle

The father broke the electric kettle. Such a plastic, with a button. Something there I burned the wiring. Father sat down for the kitchen table, disassembled the kettle, whether everything did everything briefly and satisfied him. The spare part remains - the metal wire of the length of centimeters 20, the elastic, bended by a semicircle, on the tips isolation (with all this, the kettle turns on and boils water).

Daja twisted her, sighed, disassembled the kettle again and let's add it. Delivated it everywhere - not suitable. Again gathered - the kettle works. But the spare part remains! Remeret again. And so the whole evening, silently sits, puffing nothing says to anyone.

After 3 hours of "work" he was pulled out, the kettle with a spare store folded into the package and dragged to work to the electricians - such as they will understand. At the end of the day, electricians surrendered. We say, they say to the service of life, for repair, there may be faced with such a device. Bat before the mother is ashamed to admit that he cannot repair the kettle himself (Bati's hands immediately say-golden), silently decided to try again. Disassembled, spare parts on the table decomposed, sits stupidly on them looks.

Nearby walks the mother talks to him: then, how, how are things at work and behind this conversation comes to the table, takes the "spare part" and begins to insert it into his bra.

Asking the Father:

- Where did you find a bone from the bra? I'm looking for her for two days - disappeared without a trace, but I remember put on the table.

Father screamed as cutting.

A source

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