15 small defects of the design of familiar things that create major problems


Such minor serious problems.

Daily people face a huge number of small inconvenience due to the fact that the designers were noticed something, confused and these flaws were accustomed. Often they simply do not think about it, because these "pitched" designers are part of the circle of daily use. But in fact, something to change is never late!

1. Touch screens in cars

Touch screen - danger to driving.

Touch screen - danger to driving.

This does not mean that all sensory screens are bad. The problem lies in the fact that in some new cars, almost everything, including air conditioning and radio, is controlled by the touchscreen. And it is bad that when, for example, the radio could be included by the usual button, it was not necessary to remove the eyes from the road. If most controls are positioned on the touch screen, it can be dangerous and distract attention.

2. Button on the top of the baseball cap

Useless detail on the painter.

Useless detail on the painter.

She is generally useless, she has no goal. Moreover, this button presses on the top, if you pull the cap of the plump, and also interferes with the headphones.

3. Glue, which is stronger than paper on the sticker

These irritating stains from glue.

These irritating stains from glue.

This is especially annoying when you buy someone a gift on the way to this person. Even the dilemma arises: or leave a sticker with a price or tear it, with risk to damage the packaging and leave the glue spot on it.

4. Blinds with cords on each side

But why!

But why!

Why, when you need to raise or lower many blinds, you have to deal with cords on both sides. Is it really so hard to do all the roles with a cord with only one edge.

5. Toothbrushes that cannot be put on the "back"

But it would be convenient!

But it would be convenient!

Toothbrushes have become so advanced that some already even have mini-computers embedded in the handle. It remains to learn: For what purpose, their design is being developed so that no toothbrush is almost impossible to put on the "back" a pile up.

6. Wine glasses

One awesome movement ...

One awesome movement ...

Everyone knows these glasses with an overpriced center of gravity, a small base and a very fragile middle part. And also, how to easily shed wine from them, and break / break the glass itself.

7. Rectangular shopping baskets with a handle located perpendicular

And if so?

And if so?

This is simply inconvenient, and it is unlikely to argue with it. Why did not make a handle along the basket - a mystery.

8. Too short mixers

Are you comfortable to be hands?

Are you comfortable to be hands?

It is done consciously by some pest or for any other reason - a complete mystery. But half of the mixers that are sold in the store (or which are already installed), 3 times in 3 shorter sinks. Is it worth saying how at the same time "convenient" wash your hands or dishes.

9. The location of the steering wheel in cars

Right ... On the left ... in the center!

Right ... On the left ... in the center!

In the UK, the driver's seat is on the right, and in Russia - on the left. It was not easier to make it in the center, given that this sharply reduces the number of "blind spots" on the road.

10. Kitchen plates and microwaves without precise temperatures

Could you specify?

Could you specify?

Instead, the scales on them are simply numbered on the strand. Roughly speaking, you need to choose - prepare a chicken at a temperature "5" or "6".

11. Stickers on fruit

Stickers on fruit as a reason for irritation.

Stickers on fruit as a reason for irritation.

Even Tony Fadel (Lead Designer Apple) noted that these stickers annoy the consumers of fruit. They would still be placed on the cutters.

12. Video control buttons that close signatures


There is a problem!

There is a problem!

How is it familiar - over again you wrap the video, trying to read the signature at the bottom of the screen. But it does not work, because the signature closes the controls.

13. Button Cancel Floor Selection in Elevator

Button Cancel Floor Selection in Elevator

Button Cancel Floor Selection in Elevator

It would seem that it is elementary and immediately should come to mind. However, despite the fact that the elevators in a more or less modern version exist for a century and a half, there is still no such button.

14. "Space" next to the "point" most virtual keyboards on mobile devices

Very uncomfortable keyboard.

Very uncomfortable keyboard.

It. Does it takes. What is .To.

15. MICRO USB ports

The most inconvenient connection.

The most inconvenient connection.

These USB plugs constantly fall out. And what's worse, with the slightest touch to the cable, the port can break.

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