Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe


Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe
With the onset of cold weather, an indispensable cozy accessory will be the original scarf, complemented by pockets. Such a stylish and comfortable thing is easy to associate yourself. You won't call a challenging job, but you can fantasize and experiment infinitely. A wide, passing on the shawl, he is able to replace the vest, and the narrow will simply give the opportunity in some cases to do without gloves. For the implementation of the idea, both the needles and the hook are suitable. Nazinks can also be the most different: from dense and even textured to the openwork. It should be borne in mind that the hook-related canvas practically does not change the shape, and the knitted scarf associated with the needles will be more elastic. In any case, the stylish accessory will turn out to be warm and cozy.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

Such a scarf can bind both color and monotonous. If you wish, smooth here can be combined with an openwork or embossed knitting. This allows you to successfully use the remains of yarn.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

Collect a scarf with pockets by and large can be even from grandmother squares. Or, as an option, arrange in this way of pockets.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

Such a scarf with pockets will master even a beginner master. It is connected with a crochet, and the pattern of the pattern is only 2 rows. The length and width of the product can be different. The main thing is to take into account the multiplicity necessary to obtain the finished pattern on the canvas.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

A dense bilateral mating has its own name - a rice field. The thread will be thread and hook, the fact that the scarf will turn out. An additional bonus will be a quick end result. The drawing will be clearly visible through several rows. The number of loops in the product is more English 2. The increase will be 2 lifting air loops (VP) at the beginning of each row and the edge, which is knitted without a Nakid (ISP) at the end. The event will be only the first row of the main web, in which, after the air loop is passed, it is necessary to check the column with an attachment (CH).

1st row: chain of air loops (VP)

2nd row: 2 VP (lifting), * 1 stoblik without a nakid (ISP) in the first loop of the previous row, 1 column with nakid (CH) in the same loop of the previous row, passing one loop of the lower row * 1 CH, turn;

3rd row: 2 VP (lifting), * 1SBN in the null loop of the previous row, 1 CH in the same loop of the previous row * 1 fail, turn;

4th and all subsequent rows knit like the 3rd.

Important moments:

  • Thread in this pattern is always stretched through 2 halves of the loops of the previous series at the same time
  • With color knitting, the change of thread always occurs at the beginning of the row

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

First you need to determine the width and length of the scarf, as well as the depth of the pockets. The total length of the knitted canvas will be equal to the length of the product + twice the height of the pocket. This allows you to make an elementary assembly. In essence, everything comes down to the podium of the canvas and the execution of the strapping. The blockage in this case is made around the perimeter of the entire product with a semi-solitary with Nakud. If desired, in places of fold, it is possible to start the usual chain so that the bachroma is also present in the place of joining the edge.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

For the fringe, cut the thread on the strip, twice the desired length. The number of beams and the distance between them can be different. The technique is extremely simple. After folding the beam threads twice, on the one hand we get a loop. We derive the hook through the front of the web inside out, grab the loop and pull out on the face. If necessary, imagine the edges of the beam threads, and then enter them all together in the resulting loop and delay.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

Variants of the strapping can be the most different, ways to fasten your pockets too.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

Hood, brushes, pumps, embroidery, ornamental inserts - all these elements can be an original supplement of scarves with pockets.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

The presence in this model of transverse patch pockets makes it particularly attractive. Get pockets with an indentation from the edge can also be completed additional strapping into several rows.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

Wide scarves with pockets are perfectly modeled. It is not excluded when choosing a model also combined knitting. A similar scarf is able to replace vest or shawl.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

And these models are no longer crocheted, but on the needles. Exceptionally for such scarves are suitable for various gum options.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe

For the design of pockets, it is perfectly suitable for boobs and a bunch. In this case, it is possible to beat them with decorative buttons, tassels or pumps. If you wish to make pockets, you can also at the expense of braids, books or elbow loops.

Scarf with pockets: Stylish addition to well-thought out wardrobe


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