Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out


Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

In the comments to my post about Furniture in the USSR Many readers wrote that they still continue to stand old Soviet furniture items to stand in the apartments - they are still suitable, "there is no time to mess with the replacement", "expensive" and so on. My friends, from the old Soviet rubbish, you need to get rid of it - he, firstly, litters your rooms, and secondly, the interior is poisoned by one of its kind, turning any cozy apartment in Old babous.

What is the most interesting - the replacement of furniture does not require any exemplary costs, now many companies make high-quality, inexpensive and modern furniture, which will fit well into your interior, and it costs quite inexpensive. Many, I am sure, for a month spend more money for foods and an apartment than to furnish 1-2 rooms, and at the same time they will argue to live among the terrible Soviet trap.

This state of affairs must be changed. Under the cat - scatters about those furniture and interior items from the USSR, who need to urgently throw away from the house if you want to live in the 21st century.

01. Furniture wall " . In the seventies, such a piece of furniture was considered a sign of chic and wealth, and also testified to certain enterprise owners of the apartment - after all, in order to get a "wall", it was necessary to try. In the "wall" stored everything - from clothes and bed linen to children Irushek, dishes and alcohol in the "bar" section. It must be recognized that, unlike some other samples of Soviet furniture, most of the "walls" looked rather slamming already in those years, and now they have a shabby look, scratched polishing and smutched accessories. In general, it is far from that furniture that agrees beautifully.

If you have a Soviet "wall" - I will definitely throw it out, and you yourself will be surprised at how much the room has become air, light and free space. In return, you can buy, for example, an open rack and a wardrobe with sliding doors will be much better.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

02. Tacht or sofa . Folding sleeping place, often with a niche for linen inside. Like the "wall", this type of furniture is growing extremely ugly, and after 25+ years of operation looks very scary - the irradiated polishing, who revealed a bad crumbling chipboard, curved shaky legs, failed mattresses with dirty upholstery. If you still sleep on the Soviet ottoman or sofa, the Maxim Katz loves

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out
Maxkatz. "Something with you is wrong and generally disorgan." I urgently throw out the Soviet ottut and buy to start at least something from IKEA will be exactly more beautiful.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

03.Old tonsogue chairs. It is necessary to make a reservation - in the fifties in the USSR, a couple of beautiful models of chairs were released in the USSR, which, with due restoration, can take a worthy place in the interior. But the fact that massively produced in the 1960s and 1980s is most often not withstanding no criticism. Almost all models look the same - massive seating on thin wooden lacquered legs. Such chairs did not shine with beauty and in their best times, and now they turned into some terrible things from the stories Stephen King.

If you definitely need a chair, then it's better to just buy something more contemporary, and the old throw, do not frighten the guests.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

04. Polished servant . Appeared on sale a little earlier "walls"; In fact, it is reduced analogue. It is also poisoning with its own type of surrounding space, perhaps more than any other subject of Soviet furniture. If I became president, I would first introduce a special tax for all those who have not yet got rid of the polished side of the Servant, and all those who do this would show on TV and awarded Honorary Matters.

By the way, you can completely calmly cut the servant from the balcony in the body of a trash can together with all the contents - nothing valuable, except for three sets of old bed linen, two essays of Nekrasov, binder "Science and Life" for 1983-1988, a set of postcards "Yalta -1981 "And one terrible old service, you will not lose.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

05. Soviet kitchen furniture. In the USSR, they practically did not make high-quality kitchen furniture, and the fact that they lived to the present day, it looks at all - during the years of operation, the chipboard visited the moisture and elevated temperature, the accessories were blocked, the doors on the cabinets hang around and so. Even super-trendy in the eighties, lockers with handles from aluminum rolling profile (in the photo) are now looking extremely slaughter.

My advice - in no case do not think somehow "restore" or "reproduce" the old Soviet cuisine, something is sketched there, twisted, shook the film, etc., it will still do not "cheap and angry", but Chew and shit . It is better to wait a bit, sweep the money and immediately order a new modern kitchen, the place of the old Soviet - on the garbage.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

06. Soviet plumbing . If you have in the kitchen or in the bathroom still stands the faucet from the USSR - it should be replaced urgently. In addition to the terrible type of shaded plastic (white or black) valves, such a plumber is simply unsafe, it often flows and requires repair - everything from the fact that brass and rubber parts in crane letters have long developed their resource.

In general, replace faster if you do not want to pay for repairs to neighbors from below.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

07. Wall Carpet . If you do not want your apartment to look like an eastern flavor with a photo below, then all the carpets are urgently removed. No useful poundation, in addition to the collection of dust and give any room of a slaughter-symptomy, they do not bear. If the room without carpet seems to you "empty", then hang a couple of paintings on the wall, it will be better better. And it's better to simply wait a couple of days - the eye will soon get used to the new interior and you yourself will be surprised how much the space has become visually.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

08. Tablebook . Just throw out this poverty, do not ask why. Then you will understand.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

09. Chandelier comes from the USSR . In about the early 1960s, a pretty good lamps made of glass and brass were made in the USSR, which now look vintage and beautiful, but 90% of what they did later - it looks terrible and slamming, especially numerous fakes "under crystal" with yellowed and Poreed plastic hanging chains.

If you have such a chandelier to the room - then you will urgently run it from the mop ceiling and carry on the garbage, and in return to buy something modern and beautiful, in the same IKEA there are many pleasant design and inexpensive models.

Things from the USSR, which need to urgently throw out

So it goes. In the comments, write that from the above is preserved at your home and are you going to throw it out. Interesting.

Well, be sure to share these posts in social networks, let everyone get rid of Soviet trap)

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