Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas


Many craftsmen for design furniture, boxes, watches, plates and many other crafts are enjoying. And why not try this method for decorating to decorate eggs to the luminous holiday of Easter?

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

Tools will need standard: base (egg), napkin with thematic pattern and glue. The last, by the way, it is better to replace to a more edible product.

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

How to decorate easter eggs

Synthetic dyes give the shell a special brightness, but agree, always cause a stake of doubt. Much more pleasant to please guests with a beautiful treat, being confident that harmful substances did not participate in his preparation. Therefore, when decoupage eggs, we advise you to use egg protein or starchy holter. Everything is simple!

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

You need

Boiled eggs


Pattern napkins


Little scissors


Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas


Cut the desired fragments of the napkins, then attach to the egg, thinking through the future composition. If necessary, make a few extracts. Camely stir up for a fork, but do not beat. Brush, apply it with a thin layer on the shell. Progressively glue the napkin fragment, dissolve from the middle to edges, bring a brush with a layer of protein over the stickers. Now you can proceed to gluing the next fragment. Put the egg on two toothpicks and wait until the protein dries. Secure the composition by another squirrel layer and leave to dry the toothpicks.

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

The idea with the protein is worthy of admiration! But this is not the only way to use natural products for decoupage. As glue, you can apply starchy holter. It is very easy to prepare it: 0.5 h. Starch in 2 tbsp. l. Cold water and pour the thin flowing in boiling water (0.5 glasses), intensively stirring. This property has its own properties during the day.

And finally, a few ideas for jewelry of eggs in a decoupage technique.

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

Original Easter Egg Decoration Ideas

Decoupage eggs - a fascinating occupation on the eve of a bright holiday! In the creation of such beauty, you can involve the whole family, especially decoration will have to do with children.

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