7 ways to extend the life of the washing machine


What to do that the washing machine serve longer, did not jump and washing better? Observe these 7 ordinary rules.

7 ways to extend the life of the washing machine

1. Burn with screaming

No need to think that if you use a little boiling mode and erase mainly at low temperatures, it is not formed to scale on the heating element of the washing machine. The word "scale" is deceptive: so in everyday life, the transition of small-soluble calcium bicarbonates and magnesium into insoluble carbonates, and this process occurs at any positive temperature, just the higher, the faster the process is going on.To prevent scamping, you can add special tools that are advertised, but it is quite expensive. You can simply remove the resulting scale, driving a laundry machine in "Cotton 60" or "boiling" with citric acid (15 g per 1 kg of loading, that is, for the machine with a load of 5 kg - 75 g). With regular cleaning (2-3 times a year), it can be cleaned at a temperature of 60 degrees, and if it was not cleaned for a long time - better with boiling. After that, it is desirable to clean the drain filter, because the falling pieces of lime sediments can clog it.

2. Clean the drain filter

It is necessary periodically - at least once a year - to clean the drain filter. Incidentally, that the drain filter clogged - the car does not merge water.

3. Clean the input filter

Copper can be formed not only on a penny, but also on the input filter, it must be cleaned periodically - independently or caused the wizard. The sign that the input filter clogged (the mesh can be covered with lime deposits and not pass water) - the machine does not gain water or does it for a very long time.

4. Do not overload the car

Remember that the maximum load is calculated for cotton "wearing" linen. For wool, dying things, jackets on a synthetion, terry bathrobes and towels, it is countable differently, since these materials absorb a lot of water, therefore, the car picks it even more and the contents of the drum becomes even harder. For example, one bath terry towel or 700 g of wool = 1 bed kit. If you do not overload the car, it will last longer, and it will be better to wash.

5. Remember the balance

Try not to create an imbalance in the car: it is desirable, for example, two-three stitches to block the hole in the ducts, where little things like to be stuffed.

6. Isolate bad things

If you are not sure as a thing that is erased - mark it in a special bag for washing. It may concern, for example, striking down jackets: often the fluff climbs.

7. Do not let the machine "Jump"

If the washing machine jumps and threatens when annealing is, it is most likely not its wine: either imbalance or incorrect installation. Of course, jumps will not add "health." It is necessary to check whether it is installed correctly: the legs must be adjusted so that it stood smoothly (you can check in terms of level).

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