10 worst colors for giving


10 worst colors for giving

Do you know what plants do you have a deadly danger on your dacha? We collected the top 10 of the most daring and unpredictable plants, which are better to stay away

Are you afraid of your cottage? Not? After reading this material, the most ordinary, and perhaps the hot plants you will start calling at least a deep distrust.

1. Lutchik

What can be dangerous so cute and tiny flower? Nothing special, just his second name is "chicken blindness." The juice causes eye irritation and increases the sensitivity of the skin to the sun. If you want to taste yellow inflorescences, be prepared for damage to the nervous system and a whole bouquet of violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Some animals are dying after eating colors die.

In colors: lemon, green, dark green. in .

2. Snowdrop

This red-based flower Bulletin is not only spring, but also nausea, vomiting and very unpleasant kidney lesions. The danger is both bulbs and snowdrop fruits.

In colors: light gray, salad, green, dark green. in .

3. Lily Shel

This delicate May flower is dangerous every part of its own part - the fruits, leaves and flowers in the body can provoke a slowdown of heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and even cramps.

In colors: Salad, green, dark green, blue. in .

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4. Buzina

Bezin is different. From black boiled kisyli, red causes diarrhea. The main thing is to remember: black - good and tasty, red - bad and sad.

In colors: burgundy, red, salad, dark green. in .

5. Akonit

It attracts attention to violet and dark blue flowers, but almost all parts of this plant, with the exception of the stem, contain a poisonous alkaloid. When contacting with the skin, this substance causes strong inflammation. Poison aiditis can hit the heart, light, unequal systems and even provoke paralysis.

In colors: Salad, green, dark green, purple. in .

6. Warmless

This flower can be misleading with its delicate lilac flowers, but the alkaloids contained in all parts of the non-laminate, cause a whole bouquet of violations in the work of the kidneys, nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Six grams of seeds of this flower are able to lead to death.

In colors: beige, green, dark green, lilac, pink. in .

7. Firewill

It looks spectacular and unusual, however, it is necessary to pay for elevated interest in heart. This plant contains glycosides that, when used inward, can have a sharply negative impact on the work of the heart muscle.

In colors: brown, dark brown, turquoise, pink. in .

8. Kleschevin

Kleschevin can attract the attention of children with its spherical fruits containing seeds similar to beans and ricin - a potent poison causing the destruction of body tissues, as well as serious kidney lesions and liver.

In colors: brown, burgundy, salad, dark green, pink. in .

9. Wolf Lyko

Plant is known and multifaceted. They have been frightened by children for several centuries - enough to eat 10-12 berries to leave the world of living forever. However, there are still enthusiasts, planting wolf lyco on the plots as a dangerous decoration, and even even the pollen of gentle pink and purple colors cause dizziness and headache. The destruction of the plant on its own garden plot is not rebeling, but in the wilderness of his life is better not to overtake - the wolf liking is listed in the Red Book.

In colors: orange, salad, dark green, lilac, pink. in .

10. BelaDonna

This "excellent lady" can even hurt with touch, its berries are deadly dangerous. The tropans contained in them (potentially fatal alkaloids) are able to provoke a whole palette of various sensations - from head pain until the heart stop.

In colors: gray, dark brown, beige, green, dark green. in .
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