10 secrets of cleaning from maids


10 secrets of cleaning from maids

They own dozens of techniques and can give many tips to help you put your home in order. Here are some secrets that can be used.

First they remove everything too much

Maria Stickie, Cleaning Manager at the Radisson Blu Mall Hotel in Bloomington, prefers first take out the garbage and dirty underwear from the room then to start cleaning with clean sheet. She removes the whole garbage in the bags, collects bedding, towels and everything that clients left in the room. In the bathroom, she immediately collects bottles with cosmetics and everything that stands on the dressing table or on the shelf. "It helps to fight the temptation just to wipe the dust around these items and again put them back to the wet surface, which can leave wet traces," she says.

They prefer microfiber for dust cleaning

The secret of efficient removal of dust lies in the correctly selected tissue. Microfiber is the most suitable cloth for wiping dust. If you do not have such a fabric, then use a rag out of 100% cotton, for example, from an old baby diaper that served pillowcases or t-shirts. Try not to use terry towels or polyester for this purpose - they can create even more dust.
10 secrets of cleaning from maids

They regularly clean the curtains

The dust particles from the curtains can circulate around the room for a long time. "The best way to save curtains from dust is to beat them off their wet or dry towel," says Maria Stickie, "take a medium-sized towel - it should be hard enough to blow to be strong, But it is easy enough so that your hand is not tired - roll it into the tube and take away the curtains. Select all the dust on the floor, and then spend it. "

They vacuum the floor before washing the mop

Always vacuuming the floor - or sweep - before washing the mop. "You do not want to detect wet hair on the floor - they are very difficult to remove them," says Stickie. "When it's time to wash the floors, start from a long corner and move to the door."

They remove the bathroom last

It is best to start cleaning with a bedroom, and not with a bathroom to minimize the transfer of bacteria, which in the bathroom there are always a lot.

They know that cleaning products need time to start working in your cleaners to do work for you. "Square the shower and toilet walls with cleaning agents and leave for a few minutes," says Stickie. - Use this time to clean the mirrors, windows, a first-aid kit, and everything else is in the room. You will spend less forces, and the dirt will be easier. Because your funds worked. " How less often to clean and not spend extra forces.

10 secrets of cleaning from maids

They vacuuming not as they were taught

Your mother, perhaps, taught you that the vacuum is needed from the long part of the room and move towards the exit, but Anderson uses another method: "First you need to vacuum the places in the room where you most often go, and then move to the exit - so you are twice Clean the most used floors of the floor or carpet. "

They use vinegar for cleaning

"You think we use some secret weapon for cleaning, but the best thing that we have is a white vinegar and water," says Stickie. - This tool cleans a lot and even able to remove traces left by other cleaning agents. Fill the sprayer with a solution containing one part of the vinegar and three parts of the water and act. " How else can you use the table vinegar at home.

They always have a toothbrush in your pocket

Of course, you can hardly clean every centimeter of your apartment with a shallow brush, but the styton is from time to time uses a toothbrush when cleaning. "I have several small brushes that can penetrate into all the bottlenecks and crucifiers of the bathroom. Particularly inaccessible for cleaning the place is the screws at the bottom of the toilet, and here the toothbrushes are very by the way. "

They keep their tools at hand

The maids hold all that they may need to clean, on their convenient workers' trolleys. Take an example from them and make yourself a mini version: Fill the plastic basket or bucket with all detergents, rags and brushes. "When everything is stored in one place or in one container, it reduces the amount of time to work, says Anderson. - Keep your cleaning kit in the bathroom, and you can easily find everything you need when you need it. "

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