5 terrible things that secretly make all tobacco companies


5 terrible things that secretly make all tobacco companies

Tobacco companies and people associated with their business are responsible for the death of six million people a year. In fact, it is equivalent to the number of Jewish people killed during the Holocaust. Per year! It would seem that everyone should know how dangerous their products. But tobacco companies constantly come up with new tactics to increase the number of sales even more.

1. Tobacco advertising as a successful marketing stroke

Tobacco advertising - Engine trade.

Smoking is more considered to occupy elite. Mouthpieces, decorative ashtrays, expensive cigars ... It's all in the past, or is preserved except in cigar clubs. Today, smoking is much more associated with the people of the working class, which after a long day they just want to dine, sit in front of the TV and smoke. But this stereotype did not originate. Overloaded by work The poor people have become the very "easy prey", which hunted the tobacco industry.

Tobacco companies have developed several strategies in order to work out an association of lifestyle people with low income and cigarettes. They began to "fill" areas where the lowest class, advertisements and cheaper cigarettes lived. It is worth noting that the class system of developed countries has made a significant part of the hard work for them. It is about the fact that low-income people tend to group geographically, and if you smoke everything next door, you will start smoking himself.

2. Cigarettes for third world countries

Smoking children.

When in developed countries, there were many anti-packed laws, tobacco companies thought that there were a lot of poor people in the world who live in countries with low medical awareness and fairly sales governments.

After that, most large manufacturers paid their attention to millions of customers abroad. Indonesia has become one of their most "successful victims", which is currently the fifth largest cigarette market in the world. How it became possible.

The answer is simple - children. Literally continuously smoking one after another cigarette, children are quite ordinary phenomenon in Indonesia. Because of national weak laws on cigarettes and international companies here, cigarettes are quietly sold to children and adolescents. In 2006 (since then, new data was not provided, but this number continuously grew) 38 percent of Indonesian adolescents aged 13-15 years was smoked.

3. The policy of scorched land in litigation

Tabachniks know how to win litigation.

It would seem that the tobacco companies are responsible for such a number of deaths and diseases, as they have not yet been abandoned, and why sales of cigarettes are only growing. And this is because large tobacco manufacturers spend huge amounts for entire hordes of lawyers.

First of all, the legal strategy is used to "pull the trial until the plaintiff does not die." And far from this. Tobacco companies pay a whole group of academics (which actually do not even know about tobacco) so that they testify in their favor in the courts. They also threaten the witnesses experts (who really know a lot about tobacco) and intimidate them. In addition, they are ordered for many decades of pseudo-research on what smoking is not harmful.

4. Lies about cigarettes

Light cigaters are another trick of tobacco companies.

It turns out that there is such a concept as a "healthy" cigarette. Tobacco companies originally developed cigarettes with lower resin content to fool the FDA devices checking the cigarettes. Some experts believe that because of this strategy, cigarettes with the "low resin" is actually even worse for smokers.

Despite these evidence, tobacco companies continue to lie and underestimate the actual content of harmful substances in their products.

5. Conclusion to the electronic cigarette market

Smoker with electronic cigarette.

In the modern age of smart phones and other electronic gadgets it would be amazing if people would try to create a "future cigarette" - electronic cigarette.

But what it turned out. Tobacco companies began to simply buy companies that produce electronic cigarettes, or to invent their own devices, monopolizing the market, and continuing to make billions on traditional cigarettes.

But whether everything is so smooth with electronic cigarettes. Naturally, they are less harmful than ordinary grandfather's cigarettes, but there is one "but", about which manufacturers are silent. Smoke e-cigarette contains its own carcinogenic substances.

In addition, electronic cigarettes are especially attractive for children and adolescents. And this is even more bad news, since many experts are afraid that smoking of the electronic cigarette can cause no less addictiveness and become an impetus to the transition to ordinary cigarettes.

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