Master class on tetrapak box


Today I want to tell and show how you can make such a casket from ordinary tetrapacles from milk and a small amount of additional materials.

Let `s start.

For the manufacture we will need:

- 2 tetrapak from milk,

- Tight cardboard (I have a box from sweets and from the milk mixture "Baby"),

- Fat cardboard (box from household or computer equipment)

- Kraft paper,

- two small magnets or magnetic clasp,

- two species tape + knitted cord from yaris threads,

- Beautiful paper for finishing (I have a wobbly border under the tapestry, remnants of repair),

- Beads + 1 pc. Marbles (for a fastener, we will wash the cabochon),

- 4 Wooden beads for legs,

- Scissors and PVA glue.

Here they are our tetrapaks

Next, cut each into three parts (6 cm high)

Now we take kraft paper and cut it on a strip of 9-10 cm wide. And see 34-35. Then carefully begin to mive it (the main thing is not to overdo it in order not to break). Throw paper with straightening.

Now these stripes glue the inside of our six boxes and glue the glued blanks together. I apologize, but I do not have this photo. Children distracted and I forgot to take a picture.

Then cut out of a dense cardboard the bottom for our box and also glue it with the kraft paper.

After that, also from dense cardboard cut the sidewalls for our box 2 pcs. (6.5 cm. By 14.3 cm.) They are slightly above the attached tetrapaks. And 2 pcs. (6.5 cm. By 21.3 cm.). Next, we connect with the help of painting tape the attached bottom and sidewalls. We get such a box.

Now we take a wobbly border and glue our box outside (only the sidewalls) centimeter by 1.5 bending a border inward. Insert our tetrapaks in the attached box and glue them to the box.

Further actions - make the cover for the box.

From thick cardboard, cut three blanks.

They are also gluable by mint kraft paper and put under the press until complete drying so that the lid is not deformed.

While driving the cover will make a fastener.

For a start, we share our Marbles beads. If there is a natural stone will be even more beautiful). Master class on cabochon sheathing here

From dense cardboard, cut out the billet for the fastener (length 4.5 cm., Width see 2). They also glue kraft paper.

Now we collect our fastener.

Magnets themselves were previously pulled out of magnets for the board and are glued up with all the same kraft paper.

We proceed with the final assembly of our casket.

The dried cap is glued to the box.

After the cover is glued to take her finish.

Do not forget to glue a fastener, which goes around the perimeter of the casket, as well as a magnet on the sidewall.

Now we glue our legs-beads on the bottom of the box.

Casket is ready. I will be very glad if my master class is useful to someone.

All the best. Bye. Sincerely, Irina

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