Simple and efficient ways of cleaning the gas stove


Have you ever wondered why lattices on black gas plates? Probably, this is done in order to the Nagar, who over time appears on them, did not immediately rush into the eyes. It is black that weakens the vigilance of hostesses - until time, it seems to them that the grille is clean.

In fact, dirt accumulates daily, so it is desirable to wash it regularly, but, as practice shows, rarely who adheres to this rule. We begin to clean the lattice of the plate when the rods become rough to the touch, and Nagar is clearly visible. At this stage, many people have difficulty: it is quite difficult to return the initial purity. We bring to your attention a few simple ways, with which you can quickly cope with fat and nagar.

What material made lattice

To begin with, determine what the bar is made of rods. This information can be found in the instructions for the gas stove, you can ask my husband, as a last resort, contact a specialist. This is very important because various cleaning methods from the accumulated car and fat are provided for each material. As a rule, rods are:

  • enamel coated;
  • steel;
  • Cast iron.

Finding out what exactly the grille is installed on your plate, boldly proceed to the cleaning process.

Dirty gas stove lattice

How to wash enameled bars

Enamel can easily scratch, so iron brushes cannot be used. Such a grid is best laundered in a dishwasher, if, of course, you have it. To do this, place the enameled plate detail in the dirtyware compartment, pour the washing fluid and turn on the machine. At the end of the process, get the item and how to dry.

Enamel perfectly cleaned with mustard powder. Wipe the wet surface with dry mustard, leave for several hours, without flushing. Slim under running water, sound well. Instead of mustard, you can use soda or vinegar: they also cope with fat and nagar.

Clean the steel lattice

Steel is not afraid of neither abrasives or chemicals, so cleaning options can be offered a lot:

  1. The easiest way is in the dishwasher. Fill a large amount of dishwashing liquid and turn on the device. At the end of the procedure, it is good to dry the item.
  2. Use the pre-wigulation method. To do this, dissolve in water any means for washing the dishes, soak the rod for the night. In the morning, rinse the detail of the gas stove, if necessary, squand the remains of a car with a knife or rigid abrasive.
  3. With the help of a metal brush, clean the surface with sand or soda thoroughly. Rinse with water and dry well.

soaking lattice in soap solution


At the end of the cleaning procedure for the washed surface, apply such a mixture:
  • soda soda - 6 parts;
  • washing powder - 1 part;
  • Clay stationery (transparent) - 2 parts.

After applying, let's dry the mixture. The next time you need to wash the grille again, just need it with warm water. Nagar and fat will easily come together with the protective layer of glue and soda. It is advisable to repeat this procedure regularly.

Cleaning the cast-iron surface

The cast iron item requires a rather careful circulation. It can not be washed in a dishwasher, to scribble with sharp objects, hit. Clear gas stove gas stove from fat in the following ways:

  1. At the cottage or in nature, spread the fire and spread the rods well. When heating the slices of fat and dirt will be disappeared. After that, wipe the part with a damp cloth and dry.
  2. If there is no possibility to hide on the open fire, use the burners on the gas stove. Turn on the hood at full power, open the windows and calculate the rod until the fat is completely combustion. After wipe and dry.
  3. You can clean the grid with a liquid for car wash car. Well process cast iron, then rinse and dry.
  4. It is possible to clean the cast iron from the car.
  5. Wipe the oven, put the heat-resistant container with water. Lay from above the cast-iron item. Under the action of a pair of slices of fat will gradually begin to disappear.

Try to maximize the contact of cast-iron parts with water, permissible only at the end of any procedure, wipe the rods with a damp rag.

General tips for bail care

Try to wash off the gas stove lattice after each cooking, especially if you roasted something.

During the cleaning procedure, be sure to use protective gloves, even if you use only home equipment (vinegar, soda, mustard powder).

Enamel and steel parts laundering will be much easier if you pre-dunk them overnight in soda or acetic solution.

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