Beautiful: Elegant Pullover Crochet


Beautiful: Elegant Pullover Crochet

Beautiful: Elegant Pullover Crochet

The size: 48-50

You will need: 350 g of cotton with Lurerex (50 g x 280 m) beige color; Hook number 2; Button for fastener.

Pattern parts of the part in the natural value, taking into account the individual features of the figure. According to Scheme 23, you associate a sixiest motive, disappear and check it for compliance with the size indicated in Figure 23.

For the back and cuffs, tie the motifs of flowers, connecting them between themselves in the process of performing the last row using "Pico". The number of motifs and the order of their location on the pattern see in Figure 23 a. Align the lacy parts on the bottom of the back and cuffs using four-fledged motifs according to the 23 A scheme. For the formation of side beeps of the back, use three-fledged motifs (see the scheme 23 b), for the cutting of the neck of the two-fledged.

The gaps between the main motifs fill in round connective elements (CX. 23 V), connecting them using "Pico". The final alignment of parts around the perimeter of the pattern is carried out with the help of parts of the circular element and strapping.

Tie the shelf C1N, forming the contours of the part in line with the pattern. Then perform the upper sleeves' top items as follows: Take the Lace Cuffs for SBS, and in the next row, perform an increase in the extension, tieting 2c1n to 1SBN of the previous row. Trust work directly. After 21 cm from the top edge of the cuff Start the formation of the armor and the fetalty of the sleeve in line with the pattern, having 2C1H along with both sides. Ready details disappear, combine the side and shoulder seams. In the fetal sleeves, laid and notify the folds. Put the sleeves. Along the neck of the neck, rub the chain with tambourines and bind off the rack with a height of 5-6 cm. Subscribe the product along the edges of the strapping of Picks. To the collar, the fester clasp.

Beautiful: Elegant Pullover Crochet

Beautiful: Elegant Pullover Crochet

Beautiful: Elegant Pullover Crochet

Beautiful: Elegant Pullover Crochet

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