10 designer secrets: what to do if there is a lot of things in the apartment, but little space


1. Workplace under the bed

Great for people living alone, or for children, in case you have one child. There are other space saving options, for example, by storing things under the bed. But this option is more effective, since under the bed you are not just folding things, but you place the working area under it, starting to master the space of the apartment "vertically".

2. Table of window sill

This is a good option not only for a small kitchen, but also for the room. Such a "coaped" windowsill can be a convenient workplace.

3. Remove the bed on the closet

The bed itself takes quite a lot of space. Therefore, the option, to remove it on the closet - more than a reasonable solution, released free space for other purposes.

4. Hide workplace in the closet

A witty idea to connect the place for storage and workplace. It also is also the fact that all this will be hidden when you do not work.

5. Balcony turns ...

Depending on the size of the balcony, it can be turned into a recreational zone or an office study, or even in a bedroom, stretching to the entire width of the balcony hammock.

Unfortunately, with the concept of "little place in the apartment" many are familiar not at the break. A small kitchen in which there is not enough space for cabinets to deliver products (or even dishes), a small bathroom, which is simply not possible to expand, but so much I want to accommodate it so much ...

Every time to console yourself with a well-known proverb "In Tenship, yes, not in the offense" also bored. However, it is thanks to the small design tricks that the output is found! These 10 simple tips will help to revise the attitude towards a small space and will even make a small apartment as comfortable as possible.

How to save space

  1. Corner hanger

    Two wardrobe - luxury for an apartment with a small quadrature. If you have a lot of clothes - the hunch of the corner is an extra hanger. The problem will be solved!

    Corner hanger

  2. Simple shelf for spices

    Many spices - a sign of a good culinary. If there is no possibility to highlight a separate cabinet or shelf for jackets - use office trays-organizers as shelves. Small magnets will help accommodate such a shelf directly on the refrigerator. First, the space is saved, secondly, the spices are not lost, thirdly, will always be at hand!

    Shelf for spices

  3. Sproves storage space

    Even if in the kitchen is not so much place - there are always the walls there. Of course, this may seem unreal, but each wall centimeter can be used! For example, it is convenient to place hooks for pans and kitchen utensils, which you often use.

    Place for frying pan

  4. Stand for jewelry

    If you have a lot of jewelry - use the board for records. In order to conveniently place accessories you will need only hooks and pins!

    Stand for jewelry

  5. Place for storing detergents

    If you keep cleaning and cleaning products under the washbasin - it often ends with a mess and it becomes impossible to find anything in these booms. The crossbar between the walls of the locker - and boldly hang bottles with sprayers!

    place of detergent

  6. Suspended shelves

    The bathroom usually makes the highest requirements. If you need more space, posted on the walls of the shelves: they will provide an additional smooth space, and you will not need to take place on the floor.

    Suspended shelves

  7. Stand for towels

    Towel is an important object of the bathroom, which sometimes takes too much space. Instead of keeping them away in the closet, use a wine support: roll up a towel into a roll and posted instead of wine bottles.

    Stand for towels

  8. Organizer for storage room

    Most conveniently packaged food are very uncomfortable to store. In order to solve this problem, use the organizer for shoes, which will take a worthy place in the storage room. It is perfectly able to store packages with juice, seasonings and other packaged products.

    Organizer for storage room

  9. Additional crossbar in the bathroom

    The crossbar is usually used to hang the curtain on it. Put the second, and it will be very convenient to hang brushes, washcloths and various little things.

    Crossbar in the bathroom

  10. Machine Fuse

    One of the big problems of small garages in the house is a lack of space in order to open the door of the car, as a result of which the wall is damaged and the door is scratched. Avoid unpleasant consequences will help attached to the wall and cut along the poropolone roller. And the door of the car, and the wall of the garage will be safe.

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