Grow vegetables right on the balcony


Want to collect a harvest without leaving home? Try to arrange a garden on your own balcony! Now special balcony seeds are sold, and vegetables and greens often grow even easier than flowers.

Grow vegetables right on the balcony


Prerequisites: Wind protection (glazed balcony), East or southeast. Balcony box, universal soil for vegetables (about 5 liters per plant), drainage.

Grade: F1 hybrids - urban cucumber, courage, manul, berende, balcony miracle. Early and early grades are also suitable.

Note: When the plants are fixed and grow up, they will need to be tiered. To do this, soldiers are sold, which stick out right into the container, and you can also kill several nails on the balcony and tie rope to them so that the cucumbers grow up, leaning on them. Do not forget that the cucumbers love moisture and do not bring direct sunlight. In the evening, you can spray the leaves with water from a bottle with a sprayer, and in the heat to pronounce them from the sun. Well, if the street suddenly it is cold, the boxes with cucumbers can be bought by observing material.

Restrictions: Cucumbers do not fit windy places and the northern side. They do not tolerate drafts and need a lot of sunlight.

Cherry Tomatoes

Grow vegetables right on the balcony

Prerequisites: tin buckets or deep porridges, (in rectangular seedlings are worse than rooted), universal soil, drainage, solar, illuminated side, frequent ventilation;

Varieties: F1 hybrids - Cascade Red, Balconies Red and Elo, Bonsai Micro, Pearl Yellow and Red, Kishamish.

Note: You can feed tomatoes every 10 days. Before the first fruits begin to ripen, remove the flowers and the top of the bush. In cloudy weather, water twice as many times, in the heat more often ventilate the balcony, tomatoes are not afraid of drafts.

Restrictions: Keep in mind that cucumbers and tomatoes require different conditions for growth and ripening, so on one together on one balcony they are unlikely to feel the same well.


Grow vegetables right on the balcony

Prerequisites: container, drainage, soil for vegetables, a lot of light, south, south-east or south-west, feeding

Varieties: Snake Gorynych, Elephant Trunk, Masquerade, Superchille, Spark

To the note: one bustice of pepper can grow up to 5 years, if in the fall to transfer it from the balcony to the windowsill, nothing will happen to him. The decorativeness of the bushes appreciated even more than the harvest. They really decorate your garden on the balcony and windowsill.

Restrictions: acute and sweet peppers can not be grown on one balcony, because the overlest pollination will occur and all peppers will become bitter. Garden on the windowsill for beginners.


Grow vegetables right on the balcony

Required conditions: Capacities of different shapes, suspended pots, containers and even bags, good illumination, sunny face, a mixture of peat, earth and sand, artificial pollination (for this purpose you will need a soft taste for drawing).

Varieties: Maralla, Roman, Borderell, F'-C141, Balcony Stream, Home Delicacy, Moscow Delicates

Note: In order for seedlings faster to root, the first blooms need to be removed. Strawberry need iron, so rusty nails can be stuck into the container.

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